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2 End Time Theories/Fake overthrow of NWO

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Hi all!  I have seen 2 possible scenarios for what will play out.  We all see the NWO and tyranny efforts now and how this could just continue and become the "new normal" with further slavery.  But I have also seen a couple of people (Christians) talk about the false overthrow of the NWO that will look good on the surface but be the true deception.  Can anyone that has sources or sites that talk about the latter idea paste them here?  I can see either play out.  The 2 verses that make me wonder are the ones that talk about even the elect possibly being deceived (but this could be Cov*d deception as well) and the cry of "peace and safety".

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There are many deceptions being perpertrated by evil forces at work!

I believe the strong delusion involves ET disclosure and explaining away the Rapture not as an act of God, but rather as an alternative to God!

Political delusions simply are engineered to take our focus off Christ!


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E-511 Ministries was the first person to put out the theory about the fake evil NWO and the real evil NWO. Once I saw it, I couldn't unsee it. It makes perfect sense.

One word of warning, though. He is not a pre-tribulational Rapture believer. So, if you watch his videos, keep that in mind. You should be able to watch his "Road to Antichrist" series on you tube. I don't believe they have taken it down.

I could attempt to summarize this into a nutshell, if you like.

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That is the one I was looking for!!  Thank you.  I was going nuts trying to figure it out.

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Many New Age websites also are predicting the overthrow of the wicked cabal (the big bad NWO boogeyman) and the establishment of a new golden age.

They talk about NESARA and GESARA, the release of thousands of technology such as free energy, anti gravity devices, med beds, etc. They say the big bankers, big Pharm, Soros, Gates, Rockefeller, etc. will all get overthrown.

The new agers talk about an "Earth Alliance" and cooperating with aliens (demons actually) to bring about this golden age. It would make perfect sense for the overthrow of the fake evil NWO to occur right after the Rapture when the Devil and his fallen angels are cast down to the earth.

In actuality, the fake evil NWO and the real evil NWO New Age Antichrist Kingdom are the very same people. That is the great deception. So, there will be mass fake arrests and fake cgi videos of executions. For example, they will show Bill fake videos of Gates or Soros getting the guillotine chop. They will, in fact, be whisked away to underground bunkers to wait things out.

As Born Again Believers, we won't see the overthrow of the fake evil NWO. IMHO, this will happen just after the Rapture. However, the fake evil NWO will ratchet up the pressure just before then.

The new agers talk alot about the evil pedophiles and child traffickers. At the Rapture, all children under the age of accountability will be taken. This includes unborn children. The real evil NWO Antichrist Kingdom will blame the Christians that have disappeared and will say that they stole all the children. They will seek to outlaw Christianity for that reason.

Anyway, I am rambling and I have to go for the day. Thanks for broaching this subject. I do think it is important and it can help make sense of it all. It definitely gives me a peace and calmness about the whole thing. God's got this under control. :good:

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Arthur pretty much summed up the site on E-511 — but his warning should be taken to heart — as we will not see much of this “evil /goodness” cleaning up the “evil / badness”. Pre-tribulation stance beliefs that the bride is not subject to God’s wrath on the earth and we are removed prior to the coming of the anti-Christ. Although, we can see (for those that have eyes to see and ears to hear) the signs that the lawless one / son of perdition is already at work. Like getting the masses to be prepared to follow like sheeple for the “good of humanity” and killing off of the large mass of mankind. It is so very sad to see but also very so exciting for the Bride ….. :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands:

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Indeed our struggles and persecutions for his namesake will not only be rewarded but lauded and recorded for all eternity!

Just as like the scars of Christ will forever speak of His love for us!


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I have watched the 2 hour long video by E-511 Ministries and I have to say it is very compelling. In the end we just need to keep our eyes and hearts on Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Light. He is our All in All. Everything else is theater.

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Agreed, Yohanon. I used to get worked up about the NWO, Big Pharm, evil bankers, etc. It occupied way more of my time than it should have. I know many Christians that are tied up in knots about it. Especially the Mid tribbers, postie toasties and the pre-wrathers. It's a big time sink that takes your eyes off the Prize.

As you said, it is literally all theatre. They do outrageous things to make us angry and get us worked up. The more thick they lay it on, the closer we know it is until they collapse. There will be a certain level where people won't stand for it anymore, egged on by new age change agents, some of whom who pose as Christians.

For me, it has given me a calmness and a peace knowing that our Red Sea moment is coming very soon. God will make a way and we will cross over. :good:

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For me, it has given me a calmness and a peace knowing that our Red Sea moment is coming very soon.

That’s my take away, too. The tension around the world is so tight somethings going to break. Cant be much longer! :yahoo:



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