I pray so ... like God showed Pharoah— in your face —- God put Trump in office the first time, God will need to do it again to usurp the evil plans fo... Thank you Blake, I know that was hard for you to get out and about, but what you said is solid truth! We need to continue to pray for our country, I w... I have a family that’s all Trump‘ers here and like Hibbs, Amir, JD, Jan and so many others have declared... vote Biblical principles. I believe in the... My earthquake app as been relatively quiet lately, the filter is set only to notify me of 6.0 and above ... not to say that we are not having a lot of... Geri — yep! Weird science for sure ... bringing sci-fi movies to front and center B-) Amy — both very intriguing articles .... thx for posting! :prayer-hands: I’m with ya 100% - my healthcare system has a rule, flu shot is mandatory or you are terminated. I don’t mind the common annual flu vaccine, it’s pret... Slammed shut for sure! :yahoo:
Personally, I’ll be like a kid in a candy shop with a look of amazement and awe, topped with a heavy dose of unparallel... Not like the CERN facility near Geneva — this is a huge deal, the particle accelerator is dangerous, blow up the earth stuff. The power of the LHC is ... Brad —- typed a long string on how good the comic series is and I’m not a comic guru and how current reality this is more than most folks now.... firs... Amy - short answer - YES! CERN is more than meets the eye... Bad all the way around! Hands into a lot of the goings on ... pool of scientists was gat... The new world order has a familiar motto first adopted by the Borg in Star Trek “You will be assimilated” — the false god of this world is determined ... True Blake and sadly hilarious — the fear factor is unbelievable and totally nonsense— we have way past the herd phase of this virus, yet the dark sid... Geri, I commend you for doing the right thing and honoring your Dad. We are the only country that has such a high percentage of our elderly in long te... More irony that is making waves of nonsense.... people will go to Walmart, grocery shopping, department stores, and even back to flying for travel, bu... True that - like Jesus said in Matthew 15:14 “Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” Lemm... Yep Lee — just like the movie call “Percy Jackson : Sea of Monsters” the water torrent was symbolic of what was really going on in the Bermuda Triangl... so Geri, the black hole theory is a NO as the lake of fire is already prepared for the devil and his angels .....
The volcanoes is another no ... to m... So in our youth clubs we had a crazy hat night, crazy sock night, wear your team color night but land sakes a crazy wear everything you own night spon... Todd — they will probably just say that we have disintegrating tetraquarks dissolving into the subatomic domain :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:
Yes they have “disco... Todd, yes this is part of CERN and was discussed back in the day. For those here who might be new to CERN, get an eye opener and visit their site ... ... Absolutely correct TR — he (satan) believes himself to be in charge, NOT! He walks to the beat of God’s drum and can only do what God allows him to an... Amy - most stores , I’m in require ONLY the card with a chip - no cash, except maybe the rural outlier of a Mom and Pops joint. All pharmacy, grocery,... Arthur - ha you threw a word out that I was not familiar with and had to go look it up and I would totally agree with you, we are just about there ..
... That’s hilarious Arthur :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: cat- lick :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: freken -poop (slight change, extra o) :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: It really does not matter even if the dark side reads everything (satan knows the Bible, he knows his time is short), just as the Israelites did not u... Our Father is truly awesome and he has you in the center of His love and care! Way to go Lord! Shut the mouth of the lions for Blake.
Now we should b...
Last seen: August 27, 2024 1:39 pm