Arthur, for us here in America it’s not a personality contest, it’s all about the platform ... God will do his part, but as with Joshua concerning the... Geri, I should say so....having been with Awana for 20 years, 12 as a missionary.. God allowed my husband to start and oversea 265 Awana church progra... Thanks Kent —- it needs to go out far and wide and quickly. I believe God has the plan, but as with Joshua, He expects us to do our part, for as long ... Nope, I just use a regular toaster oven from Krup .... nothing fancy and it does a snappy job on most things. Have not tried an air cooker, thought ab... Read this (it’s a church sign somewhere):
“The fact that there's a highway to hell and only a stairway to heaven says a lot about anticipated traffic... TR, Geri, and Kent —- it could be that folks are just getting things lined up for those left once we’re gone, because it sure should happen within hou... I’d l8ke to give him a warning— to the moon Alice :whistle: I’ll take that as a yes! :yahoo: :prayer-hands:
The 7.0 should have after shocks of at least 3.0 but nothing showing ... that would have to only be Go... Yep, he did! Dope dealers are known as “the candy man” acknowledged by Grateful Dead as well. They wrap it up and make the world good inside. Check it... Interesting Arthur— all day I have been reminded (as I pleaded with the Father), not my will, but His be done. :prayer-hands: MWS - ha! How dare you slander this blog with the unholy words such as the fact there may (huge May) be unholy individuals who do not (dare I say it) ... Geri, if we are still here on thanksgiving, you are welcomed to come give thanks at my house 🙂 :prayer-hands: Yep, everything here is worth leaving to be in His presence!
Phil 1:23 “I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, ... I agree brother, TR we are of kindred spirit, in my circle of peers, friends, and families, I am the known as the eternal optimist. :yahoo:
Tomorrow a... On a more “religious theme”
My Home that lies beyond the Jordan
or the Gaithers
Well brother, it has increased crazy already in my corner world —- insanity seems to have taken on a new life. Destruction is rolling out ..... my spi... So sad! The church IS NOT a building but a body. The head of that body is Christ ...
Colossians 1:18 “And he is the head of the body, the church. He ... How about this one:
We’re off to see the God of Heaven (wizard)
Follow the heavenly road
Follow the heavenly road
Follow, follow, follow, follow
Fol... Geri, very cute indeed, but as per Tea (although I’m an avid coffee drinker) — I will stop by for some Jasmine or white silver tea ... I also like a l... The hook has been there, but it has certainly grown and caught the remaining players in the game! The plan is solidified, it’s always been about the o... I have two potentials:
Home on the range —
O give me a home where the buffaloes roam
Where the deer and the antelope play
Where seldom is heard a di... Amy, nice post! Always like reading Hal Lindsey too. Among believers we can be excited to see God at work, we are the terminal generation, we have a f... David and Boulder, it certainly seems harder each day to put one foot in front of the other (so to speak) ... Praying, Reading, Watching is a growing ... Praying for you Churchgal — this may also be placing you in the path to witness one more time to those you see for this illness. Lot of strange goings... Hugs and tears of joy all around, what fun! :yahoo: :prayer-hands: I miss her too Boulder! She is waiting for us and my guess is the RITAN tea room is already set up! Today, is a day to really long for our true home, ... Ah who said you are narrow, them’s fighten words — :calvin
waitin is hard, there is so much to begin with our eternity, my list:
See Jesus - check
... Woohoo, let’s go! :prayer-hands: Hahaha —- hehehe —- so I’m a true southern gal and besides a good cup of coffee, nothing beats a tall glass of iced tea or as we say “sweet tea” - sai...
Last seen: August 27, 2024 1:39 pm