:calvin :calvin say it ain’t so.....oh the heartbreak....what will all of us in healthcare do without a great cup ‘o Joe??? We need to go home now, th... Yep, the nephew of Polosi, gruesome newsome - makes the stupidest rules, course you can have more people attend a funeral, so hears the thought, have ... green bananas = plantains —- yum! :mdrmdr:
mocha, sure, with whip cream :yes: :agree They will probably offer a tattoo that simply states, “V” (standing for vaccination given) —- or maybe another simple equivalent.... sounds like a fam... Lee, I would love to come and watch the concert — I’m not musical by any stretch of the imagination but I love a good concert and the heavenly ones wi... 'Heard that one on Twitter :calvin :wacko: More trivia, my hubby was born on 11/22 and myself on 11/23 ... so rapture is a great B-gift, awe thanks guys, but you shouldn’t have :heart: :mdrmdr: Anyone up for a bit of popcorn before we head upward? :popcorn :popcorn :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: Per the Trump Vaxx - different than BG vaxx —- Trumps is probably a form of hydroxychloroquine for sure .. although it is not a drug that stays in the... Medicine will look very different during the millennium for sure. Think about it, how glorious....no diseases for the saints.... it’ll be so cool to j... Exactly! Nothing new in my world—- it’s a virus, holy cow! This is so painful watching the stupidity of the sheepals and quick willingness to bend to ... God reveals what needs to be revealed at the time it needs to be. He knows, there is a possible legal action being brought against Dr. Falsy by the T... Sounds awesome! 2020 is still a go Houston — trumpet tuned, ready to fly, practiced by rapture exercises today too! Fall is on! :yahoo: :prayer-hands: There is a call for a Trump rally in DC on Nov 14, could be so cool if the media (some part of it) covered the huge rally in DC and the trumpet blew, ... The discovery is too little, too late .... but it has marched us along very nicely to God’s timeline ..... We are going home, nanny, nanny boo, boo, y... Geri, per Twitter, (also liberal, so caution) —- AZ, PA, NV, & GA have pulled Biden win back .... Alaska has still not stated ....
Not just presi... Tucker is one of the few that I watch on Fox, maybe Sean Hannity too ... anyway he did well last night and called it ....
for educational and... It will certainly be an eternal ride many of them will never forget, with gnashing of teeth .... “Sucks to be them (using a French phrase - meaning — ... It certainly needs to be a short read! Are we there yet???? :unsure: TT —Psalm 2:12 “Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.”
... Kent - I hear you! Our hope is in God, not man. If we look to this world, it will always disappoint and bring trials.
1 Peter 1:3-6 “Blessed be the G... Exactly Donna — makes sense, certainly a plausible possibility. Sad for them, yet they (some) will be jubilant and celebrating the absence of “those r... My thought and prayer as well Donna - like in your face, but also when we leave, the ones not yet having accepted Christ will have their eyes momentar... Trump is a genius in his own right and add God the creator to the mix and the left really don’t have a chance. I don’t hold to Q or Nersara, nine of u... 'Boulder it is a righteous anger for the evil we see so blatantly played out before us. The evil believes God does not see, does not hear the prayers ... It is vitality important that we continue to pray that God in His power and Wisdom will reach out and destroy the evil, as He did the prophets of Baal... ^no validation to this yet on credible resources — it is a prayer that it is true. :prayer-hands: 'Many are fatigued and bone weary, truth. God gives us His steadfast and enduring love now and for eternity. God only strengthens us and upholds us. B... I agree, it’s like throw in the towel. My husband said he’s trying to prepare the congregation for a defeat potential. He’s been like a roller coaster...
Last seen: August 27, 2024 1:39 pm