So here is an off the wall thought .... what if the Vaxx is ok and the scare is to continue about COVID so as to discredit Trump as he promised a safe... Ditto for me as well Churchgal! Vaxx is NOT well researched for sure! :negative: True that! No more night for us! Eternal light in the glory of His presence! Party every moment in heaven, glorious singing and worship of the Father ... Right you are! What a grand celebration we will all have very soon! Keep looking up! It is amazingly right at the door! :prayer-hands: :yahoo: Geri, I appreciate the thoughts and birthday prayer, and yes I totally agree soon, in the clouds, be there or be square :mdrmdr: :thankyou Awe yes TR —- 16 —- it will be so wonderful not to count the years anymore, once we get home! Maybe it’ll be happy 16th millennium :yahoo: Thank you... Thank you for the kind wishes —- see you sooner than later! :thankyou Kent, I absolutely agree — very odd from these multiple unconfirmed serums. :scratch: :wacko: So, today is my birthday! Had prayed that it would be a home going as a great gift :mdrmdr: oh well! So stupid, beyond words truly! My daughter & husband have 7 children, it’d be very difficult to have any meal in their home to meet this absurd ed... Leaving Soon - so many things are in place for the trib years .... the world has proven during the past 6 months how they will agree to remain in subj... Kent, I agree - never in history have world events seemed to happen at such a warp speed and heading to a culmination of one simple explosion of even... It was awesome watching this in real time, they put the media n their place, totally cool! Of course they will not show the evidence (how stupid can t... Per Dana the Biblical meaning of 11 is chaos, war and the alternative meaning is removal, raise up. As I see these, like Dana and Rick and others I am... Todd, no place but up! Any of us would welcome you but think upward very soon! No place here will escape the craziness. :unsure: :wacko: As mentioned under the string for Dana’s dream, I feel such a sense of finality, difficult to explain... the call of the Lord is growing stronger in m... That is just awful— very sad indeed, crazy is breeding more crazy. :prayer-hands: So, I had to listen again to the dream. Today I placed an order for a gift online and the order number came up D1111 96938 —- would not have thought a... Yes sir ... what we suffer here is nothing compared to what waits in our eternity.... :yahoo:
2 Corinthians 4:17-18 “For this light momentary afflict... TR agreed and with Yohanan and Arthur and etc .... the vax is not the mark (we are gone by the time that is initiated), but this version of a flu or v... I believe there is yet another level of deception at work (in case the deep state push for NWO didn’t plan out), whether it is the Q forum, great rese... Dan - I take it with a grain of salt; he is from Catholic backing ... dangerous for him and suspicious too .. but a few good points! There is an under... Found the letter — it’s a warning to Trump, not as an enemy but as one who is praying for Trump and the world.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano
Father, ... There is pure genius at work—- you might enjoy listening to one of Trumps lawyers. My guess is she is stating the info about this executive order from... Well Geri - maybe it will become like the movie “The Hunger Games” - any weapon will do! Praying we leave prior, but I’m locked and loaded ready for e... Just another way to hipe-up and place people into fear mode so they follow as sheeple even more completely.... :wacko: Sorry I’m a bit late Donna, been out of town, Happy Birthday and eternally more :heart: :prayer-hands: Gotta go folks! Pain a delusion with the “great reset” :prayer-hands: Arthur, I switched to Parler, instead of Twitter- I like it better, a bit of a learning curve but easy enough. :wacko: I have up loaded Newsmax, great conservative news channel, done with Fox, except the occasional Tucker Carlson...fake news, we need to crash the ratin...
Last seen: August 27, 2024 1:39 pm