Right that’s on my bucket list as a go to place for a vaca —— NOT!
Can they be serious! Suppose many folks will jump at this get-a-way spot! :wacko: :... The next week will be very interesting to observe. Lot of “potential” wars just ready on the verge of as it where, ready to explode. Even here in the ... Very interesting... this is an agent developed to kill primarily parasites, such as heart worms, lice, scabies, .... and now Corona.... ok then! Paras... So one has to wonder, which comes first... the draining of the swamp, the harpazo of the church, or the mandatory Vaxx for all the world ..... bet you... Amir just completed a special update ... Israel just received a large supply of the Vaxx from Pfizer and they have listed the things you can do if you... God bless you and give you peace. Jesus wrap Leaving Soon in your arms of love and comfort. Your RITAN family grieves with you in your Mom’s passing. ... Aliens (AKA-demons) - is anybody really surprised at this? We have been being prepped via “innocent” shows like Star Trek, Star Wars, Aliens, etc...
... Yes and if you follow Monkey on his “Blog” site, he is awesome on air traffic tracking, primarily military.
check it out ....
and most recently: (FYI... Can we all agree, these plans have been laid out for probably decades, or centuries. The players changed as the need required or their death occurred.... Bizarre for sure! Boy are they in for a horrific surprise at what their idea of “fun” really looks like. :wacko: — they should read Luke 16:23-24 and ... Answers in Genesis is an awesome creation organization led by Ken Ham, I have had the privilege of following them for years, read the books, attended ... Father, please remove the scales from Leaving Soon’s mom, open her heart to your grace, surround her with your word and draw her to you .... let her s... Don’t think for a moment that satan would only have one road to the destruction of humanity, he has and can use the United Nations, Soros, deep state,... Distraction .... lot of that going on ... away from election turmoil, away from plannedemic (voting to legalize THC instead) .... create anxiety for s... Yep Arthur! The prince of this world can’t have us but he takes every available opportunity to decrease our joy, fellowship, and grow fear to paralyze... A lot of folks are making that sudden side trip to Gitmo. Do we see a few more ankle bracelets around the swamp? A trend of boot wearing or unexplaine... Couple things:
The vaccine is unnecessary for handling this virus
The vaccine, like the mask, is an effort to control (population, subjugation, trac... Nope! I want lemon filled, powered donuts - no keto diet for me, not with a perfect body! :mdrmdr: :calvin Personally, I’m thankful to be a child of the King of Kings and happily content to not “qualify” as an “important” known figurehead :wacko: Interesting— China has recovered from Covid without a vaxx. More deep state propaganda- subjugation :unsure: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: That is so funny :mdrmdr: and think no weight gain or loss either, no hair loss, no wrinkles, no sag or bag, no barrel or s... HH, very well said! It truly is a daily paradox and we can clearly see the line in the sand being drawn between good and evil. The evil is openingly b... Ah, Yohanan, just another day in paradise - thank you for the birthday greeting! Soon, we may only celebrate per millennium :mdrmdr: Agree, being in pure righteousness and the sin battle is over! What a truly amazing future we have in eternity. :prayer-hands: Nope, I still hold to an imminent return .... we have been in the end times since the resurrection of Christ .... the age of grace (church age, time o... Such an amazing thought TR —- we all will be in the presence of our Savior at the same moment (birth date), yet he will look on each of us directly an... Appreciate Amy! Praying the next one is with my savior. Regina, just worked! But I had the week prior off, so it was a good time! Thank you for the birthday pray! Praying it is my last earthly one! :prayer-... I am praying that as well Arthur, would truly love this to be my last birthday celebration on this earth. Today, last Thanksgiving, no Christmas —- go... Geri, jump in the car and head on down to Virginia, I’m having the traditional Thanksgiving with a few folks but always room for more and you are fami...
Last seen: August 27, 2024 1:39 pm