Amen and hallelujah to that Donna :prayer-hands: Shall we say the old cliche “too little, to late” —- whoosh up we go as they stand scratching their heads with that deer in the headlights look :mdrm... Oh I agree... it is totally fascinating to watch mankind, minus God, try to conquer or fix or run the world, even Israel :popcorn Per The Daily Truth Report —— the President will be meeting with acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller at 1530 in the Oval Office today. Something big... Bla, bla, bla, bla .... same ole rhetoric.... sorry Arthur but they are playing the same record, it’s just a bit more intensified as we are all the mo... Blake I couldn’t agree more ... I memorize Bible verses, a lot of them, won’t make it through the Bible before it’s time to leave .... I ok with that ... Yohanan, I am with you on this one .... I live by one of the two largest Naval bases that houses up to 5 carriers at a time and we currently have thre... TR, I have come to a similar conclusion, must be why Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes 1:9 “What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what wil... Yes, the times and life as we knew it has changed with no turning back. My hospital received the first wave of Vaxx. Start on Friday with boots on the... This coin has an increase of prophetic significance .... very dangerous indeed for those left behind ... Saturn as many know is representative of sata... God has always used the weak things of earth to confound the wise ... as Paul declared ... 2 Corinthians 12:9 “But he said to me, “My grace is suffici... Two perfectly fine drugs that work if you get the virus ... HCG and Ivermectin.... no need for Vaxx or masks truly .... but sheeple theology still run... Call me silly, but would the relationship between Biden and Chine shake the line of treason! Maybe not in out and out selling secrets like Clinton, bu... Yes it is! It’s getting really old too! :wacko: :calvin Geri I would agree without the hope of our eternal salvation in Christ, this would be very bad indeed and very scary, but our hope is not on this worl... Arthur, I believe he should execute this order and institute marshal law, yes it does give him a lot of power and authority, more than anyone person s... ‘Plausible :prayer-hands: Spell checker gets ya every time on them main ears :mdrmdr: Dobray utra comrade (don’t forget to roll the R’s) :mdrmdr:
having done 4 short term mission trips to Belarus, Я могу относиться к беспокойству по по... What a great and precious poem that turns back to what the real meaning of this holiday we celebrate references, not a little round, obese man in a re... Geri, it was totally amazing, the 6 of us (2 were my granddaughters) were about 40 feet from the main platform- the crowd was awesome, when we sang th... Yep as those aliens take us away on the very holiday we proclaim represents the birthday of our King .... the world deception—- they’ll probably renam... :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:
can’t wait for Jesus to transform our lowly bodies to be like his glorious body with the power that enables him to even su... Geri a very long time ago indeed! I vaguely remember gas being about .40 to .50 cents a gallon and that was a struggle for us lowly Bible school famil... Yes, it was a God moment of love touching his children with a simple, but impactful gift. I believe many believers have such moments in time, the stor... Leaving Soon—yet another angel in time moment as I have learned to call them. God comes thru 100% of the time for His children, giving us the desire o... Arthur, absolutely and totally disgusting. After reading the article, I would agree with Dr. Lev, causes a mockery! What a shameful display toted as a... Yohanan what do you mean Q Anon isn’t real .... I suppose you don’t believe in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the Tooth fairy, or Rumpelstiltskin eith... MWS - a stuttering problem developing in advanced aging :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: TR we had a Christmas like that one year back in the late 70’s, we were in Bible College and had 5.00 to spend, so we started out on a trek to find a ...
Last seen: August 27, 2024 1:39 pm