Arthur - Do you the child rhyme “liar, liar, pants on fire” ? :mdrmdr:
yeah evil is totally unbelievable for those of us who can see it for what it is... Excellent video, recommend to subscribe to both Brighteon and Liberty Sentinel for up to date info along with OAN and rumble.com with Charlie Kirk So here is an interesting fact: during 2020 we had only one Palindrome date and it was an eight digit 02022020, during 2021 we have two Palindrome dat... Donna, she has probably gotten the tea room way done and added more chairs for those that have since joined RITAN, can’t wait to get up their and give... Guilty! Hope I’m still in good standing :whistle: :mdrmdr: lot of great discussions back in the day! It felt like we were so close, but now we are clo... The beast is the beast is the beast — thankful we will be gone! :prayer-hands: :flyup: Found it and it doesn’t start with a Y at all, crazy brain thing ...
LUFJIR = Looking Up For Jesus Imminent Return
So I made it simpler, stuck with ... TR - Ecclesiastes 3:11 is your answer, note the third line .... :unsure: Could be stepping it up a bit, but I don’t really think a call from will be on account of our blog thread numbers, just saying ..... :mdrmdr:
But I d... I prefer a NOW Harpazo as well!!! Wait TR - you are NOT supposed to be thinking about it, nada :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: In my humble opinion, Trump has been used by God for such a time as this and as Queen Esther and even an ungodly ruler, Cyrus were available to move G... Sonya, it was an acronym that for the life of me is totally escaping my brain ... started with a Y for Yahweh but that’s all I got :unsure: I always thought women, self included, equated to a ping-pong ball that can’t stop bouncing from one thought to another :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: LisaLeenie was a awesome prayer warrior and helped pray with me for my daughter and granddaughter thru a really rough time, I miss praying with her an... And the plot thickens .... geez it’s so thick now, quick sand is like water :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: I have also become somewhat of a defiant rebel regarding all things Covid-19. It is not honoring God to be sequestered in our homes, neglecting to fel... Geri, I’m so sorry for your loss and this horrific experience, there is much evil at many levels of society.... I tell folks to have a discerning hear... You are correct Sonya, we will not be here when the MOTB is given out, so guesstimating we should be leaving upward at any moment, in the twinkling of... Just a lot more “waking prayer moments” — it’s like a need to pray for places and people, some people, I haven’t talked to in decades but they need pr... Yohanan, so organized, you are! :mdrmdr: Appreciate the new thread! :mail: ” Dear .... hoping to not start yet another long thread on the plannedemic ... TR, I once had a male Psychology prof in undergrad back in the late 70’s that used to talk about how men had specific boxes in their brains, i.e. a bo... Please tell her happy birthday from all of us here at RITAN ? This Vaxx is dangerous in and of itself ... but it’s not the MOTB ... however, it is a precursor to the easy subjugation and lies the sheeple will fol... Leaving Soon, it is your choice to refuse the vaxx— you just won’t be able to leave your house ever without proof of injection.....they get ya coming ... Hide or destroy all evidence, blatant evil at work :wacko: Happy New Year “soon to be” TR - nothing to forgive! As Yohanan stated, Every DAY is rapture day expectation—— we are the Bride that does not know the day or hour of our wedding,... Point Dan .... MD’s like Dr. Falsi ... no true answer except for us to go home! :prayer-hands: As mentioned and pleaded in prayer ... we have got to go home, please Abba! He has our care in the palm of his hand! If you have faith as a grain of m... My prayer and hope as well Rick..... The President’s and First Lady :prayer-hands: Christmas Blessing was fabulous ....
Last seen: August 27, 2024 1:39 pm