Have you been practicing your rapture exercises? All together now, stand up - reach your hands to the heavens - look up - stretch up on you toe tips -... Geri,
During my time of reflection, focus, and healing, God gave me insight from His Word on many things. For the plans of man will be established by... Kolleen, praying for you! God, our Father, great healer, creator of our human form, touch Kolleen, your blessed daughter and decrease the swelling aro... It is very sad how quickly society as a whole succumbed to the subjugation of this lie. Many of my colleagues in the healthcare system I work for have... So my apologies if I’m a bit behind the COVID posts but —-
1. It’s not a vaccine
2. It is a biological
3. It is not approved from any source by the... You are all amazing and greatly appreciated! My heart is so very full for each of you. Our Father has been touching my heart more and more lately to r... Yep Geri, according to Sean Osborne on Eschatology — Israel is setting up for the 70 weeks to begin and we may yet see Damascus as a ruiness heap (mor... Thank you Todd, it’s good to be back! I missed my RITAN family and prayed often for many here as God directed. My apologies for staying away so long, ... Yohanan— it is such an unbelievable, awesome, exciting, and peaceful thought, to know that we will soon be resting in the realm of perfect love, perfe... The door is opening a crack, at the Father’s cry of command ... the voice of the Archangel is ready to shout, the trumpet is being brought to the lips... Joan and all,
I recently added Psalms 3 to my memory armor and it speaks of our today, not just when David fled from Absalom
O Lord, how many are ... Next comes food shortages in local stores, perceived famine, panic, pandemonium...yep we should be outta here soon! TR, brother this may be the new mantra for believers... 1 Thessalonians 5:16-21 “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstance... I am longing for that land ... our time here is so very short, less than a breath of God I’m sure. Now with the new diabolical plan centered around th... Remember Pilgrims Progress ... easy road or hard road .... we are about to journey over rough terrain indeed .... got milk? Got your arm our on? We’ll... Don’t bet on it or you’d lose. It’s more important what he didn’t say, then the rhetoric he listed.... you never heard the words ... a transition to t... Arthur, you are welcome .... Billy did a much better job of putting the pieces together, I did not have that eloquence or whiteboard :mdrmdr: truth is... D O —- this will not happen until after the rapture which is Rev 4:1 - the church is not present on earth when the seals are opened ... so we are movi... Just remember NESARA and GESARA are “man’s” thoughts to set up the world .... but as we have seen God is working as he always does, very efficiently a... Thank you!!!! I’ve been eating so much popcorn lately, I’m very parched. :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: It is just so exciting seeing how the Father is rolling out... Arthur, some keen intel, I’m privy too states, you have it backwards .... the new dressings around DC are not to keep folks out .... the national guar... Geri, he’s family too! Blood is thicker than water! Could be also that they need to keep him safe by “stay away from the newest FEMA camp, DC” what th... Again Boulder, very nice summary of many of insights and plans produced that both Geri and I have been posting, but I find that many times it appears ... Boulder, correction—- Simon is not former MI, his mother was! Simon is an analyst that looks at intel .... he lists is bio on his site. Charlie Ward ... Great info from Adams two days age ....
Europe is in a quandary today as many dominoes begin to fall of the little kings .... Nazi Merkel ousted by h... And drink the tea :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Geri will do the happy dance! :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Great update by a wonderful believer —- get past the music and commercial :mdrmdr: Prayer TR ..... :prayer-hands:
Last seen: August 27, 2024 1:39 pm