How can you possibly cover this up
or this
with a bit of fresh thyme toooooooo yum :mdrmdr:
Make no mistake, it is coming .... we really need to leave, :prayer-hands:
all those left, what horror... take the new bio or gene therapy and you wi... Like the armband during the Holocaust—- no new trick, same evil just replayed ..... :prayer-hands: There is two ways people glory in illness, both are considered mental health issues ..
Munchausen's syndrome is a psychological disorder where someon... Ouch! Part of the curse? Ney, my sister .... these tiny fungi are most delectable in a variety of ways ..... served fresh and firm in a salad or sauté... Truly wonderful picture Yohanan, thank you for sharing 🙂 Arthur, I totally understand ... I struggle everyday with the memory of past sins (satan is very good at reminding us); a true sense of being unworthy... Gen 3:15 “I will put enmity between the serpent and the woman and between the serpent’s seed and her seed. It shall bruise the serpent’s head, and the... Yohanan, don’t go getting all “mushy” on us now :mdrmdr: Lurking in the dark ... hunting for spuds ... what’s that verse about men who love (dampness)... Truly, everyday my patience is sorely tried between patients and staff. Unbelievable the carnage this year has strung out ... it’s like the sheeple ha... :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Well that just goes to show your what a very long day at the hospital I had dealing with unbelievable craziness :calvin :mdrmdr: :md... Erdogan is still trying to bring back the Ottoman empire, what a lie he wove in this speech. Christian, Jew, Arab —- yeah right! If you believe that, ... I too did not have an earthly father that was a godly man, I feared him, hated him, and loathed him ... I never heard the words I love you and never w... Yep, me either brother .... two verses come to mind ....
1 Corinthians 2:9 “But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the hear... This whole COVID mess is 100% from the pit of hell. Yet even as we all understand it’s madness, the vast multitude is still following like sheeple—- u... And I have missed everyone in the RITAN family, Yohanan —- life takes unexpected turns and it’s always nice to come home! Thank you for being so patie... TR, it’s very hard for me to imagine seeing Jesus face to face, I have perfect peace that He loves me and died for me, but why should He, after all He... Thank you Regina and blessings to you as well sister! Looking up with expectation of a soon trumpet :yahoo: Arthur, true that! he doesn’t get it, the more persecution - the more the church grows. Our life is eternal, not confined to this body of corruption.
... Makes sense! I remember that event and often thought that or more tricks from the evil one. There is an ongoing spiritual battle, I pray often for the... Here is a great beginning, I’m afraid it’s to little too late for many ... Geri, very interesting thought! We aren’t really told what the lost will see or hear but many won’t understand and believe the big lie. Personally, I ... An interesting article from The True Reporter by General Flynn
Warning: signs and symptoms defer per manufacturers, body medical history or current c... Geri, had not heard that one! From my perspective, that is shear horror! :calvin Todd, I meant to order that hatch from you, oh well no time now, straight thru the solar panels I’ll fly .... guess that means we get the glorified bo... Thanks Churchgal—- I’m bringing the angel food cake, lemon filled donuts, and chocolate mocha with whipped cream —- yum! :flyup: Thank you Arthur!
What a glorious day (eternal) we will have! It is an Amen and all the above Hallelujahs. :yahoo: :yahoo: Of course he would, the wolf, his own people want to cut off his head. :mdrmdr: I will extoll you my God and King and bless your name forever and ever. Every day I will bless you and praise your name forever and ever. Great is the... Kent, thank you!
The biological design ( I use this word purposely) of this injection is to place a specific set of directions of mRNA in your C-react...
Last seen: August 27, 2024 1:39 pm