HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! 🙂 We are still here though. Why are we still here. 🙁 Yeah great question! I don't know how much more we need to see and experience! There is so much hate in this world. I don't want to see it anymore!!!... Prayers going up!!!!! :prayer-hands: "After his age of building and witnessing drew to a close God could no longer tolerate the evil and wickedness which abounded"
Well, now I'm just wai... 2050?!?!?!! :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: Oh my my! I haven't heard of that one!!!!!! Oh thank God!!!!!!!!!!!! :yahoo: That poor heifer has to be sacrificed.. 🙁 Sorry I have a soft heart.. I know it will live on in heaven!! 🙂 And we will see it again someday! Yohanan says, I doubt she’s thinking of us! LOL Or, she may be part of our welcoming committee.
ROFL! She probably is part of the welcoming committee... No!!! I want it now! *Whine whine whine* 🙂 But seriously I want it now. 🙂 "Kelly says, Oh I suppose a year or so. I used to post on another site and my gut told me something was off about it so I left there and have been loo... HI! Welcome to Ritan!!! 🙂 How long is awhile? Well, I'm glad you decided to join us!!!! 🙂 "tenderreed says, Awesome for sure. I don’t know why I mention this now, but many years ago the Lord put a check in my spirit letting me know that He ... Here is part 2!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! When I get to heaven I want to garden, eat food, drink water, see all my pets, and be with all my family members! I ca... “tenderreed says Call me careful”
Yes! Be careful! Like I said practice discernment! 🙂
“And of all the glories of Heaven this guy seems to be stuck... "Patricia says, Very encouraging! Please post Part 2."
OH! Okay! 🙂 Yes very encouraging... 🙂 :flyup: Oops! Happy belated birthday!!!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: Awwww Lisaleenie! :heart: The anniversary of her going home is in 2 months! It's gonna be 7 years! I bet she feels like it's 1 day! "My mother just called me to tell me that my sister has been having very detailed nightly dreams about the Rapture, how near it is and how close we ar... Yes Churchgal it makes sense. Thank you! 🙂 "Churchgal says, First of all this ruling doesn’t change any law of any state, including the ones that allow abortion up until birth (how awful!!)."
... I don't believe in abortion except in extreme circumstances, but I am really worried and scared about the mothers who have miscarriages and ectopic pr... "MyWhiteStone says Yes Sonya, keep on praying!"
Yeah I will keep on praying for people who don't believe in God.. Yeah Tenderreed! I'm still waiting too! Always waiting. 🙁
Last seen: February 4, 2025 11:12 am