Okay, uncle! I don't want those Bulldogs after me for murdering a truly thick-and-thin faithful fan. :negative: :wacko: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
Those cheering are the linemen.
Are you certain they weren't us... The plot sounds a bit "phony," doesn't it Geri? :whistle: :unsure: :yes: I suspect so, Blue. Yes. Scripted. Tucker Carlson is straining at the media gnat while swallowing the NWO's camel:
The media are the only reason Joe Biden is president [in] the first pl... If you recall, I was sitting, dear, when I fell for you. :heart: :yes: :whistle: Jesus suggests near the end of Matthew 7, that rock bottom is the wisest place.
Not bragging, and I'm not a fan, but it appears they are atop the Wes... And then there’s the avalanche!
The Colorado Avalanche, TR? Never mind.
This found at
Diputs was a group of two BFF-1 bulk freighters used by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War.
Alliance Intelligence... Fair weather Christian
Interesting Tribulation concept... Hmmmm... :mail: :unsure: I think double indemnity for accidental death would be more appropriate. What if he had died in a car accident on his way to get the shot? As in "Keep it diputs elpmis?" (AKA the KIDE principle.) :unsure: :mail: :wacko: :yes: Tammy! Poor TR! They even hid TR's reversed initials in big green and black letters in plain sight! 😥
All those involved could surely be tried ... Just go out on stage, TR. Actors are famous for saying, "Break a leg," yet hardly ever do. :wacko: :whistle: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Oz. Hmmmm... Is there a yellow brick road somewhere woven in? I see glimpses of wicked witches...
Are there any divining rods? There's another Nisan 10 event. Crossing into the Promised Land, starting the Shmita / Jubilee count. Oprah featured and trumpeted Obummer for years. Looks like an evolutionist's dream... their mocking our "icthus" fish symbol as having grown legs.
Nevertheless, Geri, funny! :yes: TR has expressed that date specifically in the last several weeks, Geri, with some (hopeful?) conviction. It pricked up my ears whenever TR mentioned... Churchgal, I know you stick people and then draw. Right? :scratch: :yes: Only 86 more days -- 'til Nisan 10, TR. :yes: :yahoo: CNN reports that the United States has intelligence that Russia is trying to carry out an exercise in Ukraine to create a pretext for invading the cou... A new year celebration measuring maturity using "wringkles" -- a formulated combination of rings and wrinkles, maybe? :unsure: I suppose Gaia has bot... I wonder, Patricia, if it's because there's no prosecution planned for any thefts under $1k... Guess what! A wound of mine actually healed! Now that's what I call high-tech! I fear we're going to be run out on a rail here, Arthur. Let's take a break just for the halibut. I miter might not choose to. We'll see. I wonder if Jonah ate fish in later life...
Last seen: February 23, 2025 7:27 pm