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Daniel's 1290 days and 1335 days

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The correlation between 1290 days and 1335 days

Daniel 12:11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12 Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

From Daniel 12 verse 11, we learn that AC shall take away the daily sacrifice from the Jews, and sets up the abomination (which I believe is his image ). The abomination shall last 1290 days. But we also learn from verse 12 that for those who survive until 1335 days, they are the blessed one. Simply put, those who witness the daily sacrifice being taken away shall be joyful at the end of 1335 days.

Question is, why are they blessed and why are they joyful?

To answer this question, we need to go back to the tragedy they face in verse 11. That tragedy is their daily sacrifice being taken away. They are joyful and are blessed because they get to see the sacrifice being restored and re-instituted by Jesus at the end of 1335 days. The blessing in verse 12 has everything to do with the tragedy they face in verse 11, that is, the daily sacrifice.

Take this as an example. A family's fate was foretold. Their house shall be burnt down and laid waste for 1290 days. Blessed is he that waits and comes to 1335 days. The "reason" that person is blessed because he gets to see his house rebuilt and restored to original shape.

Having said this, 1335 days needs to befall on a major Jewish feast so that the old sacrificial system can be restored on that day. Also, for AC to take away their sacrifice, and for the counting of 1290 days to begin, this event has to happen on one of their feasts.

Take another example, for someone who nullify and abolish Canada national holiday July 1 for 1290 days, the counting of 1290 days has to begin on July 1. Even though the announcement of nullifying Canada national holiday was made prior to July 1, but the actual days count should begin on July 1.


1290 days has to begin on a Jewish feast, while 1335 days needs to befall on a  Jewish feast also.

I do have an interesting scenario based on 2019 rapture to 2026 Passover second coming timeline..

Rosh Hashana 2022 Daily sacrifice being taken away, AC nullify the feast and torah of Israel ------- 1290 days of abomination------- April 8 2026 End of abomination AC being thrown into the lake of fire

Rosh Hashana 2022 ------- 1335 days ------- Shavuot 2026 Blessed is he that comes to this day, because he gets to see the feast being restored by Jesus on this day. There shall be an offering on this day with Jesus being the High Priest, the gentiles and the remnant of Israel being the two loaves of bread.

As the latter illustration points out, 1335 days begins on Rosh Hashana a Jewish feast, and also ends on a Jewish feast Shavuot.

Posted : March 8, 2019 7:06 pm