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A possible timeline

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I have 1335 days begin on Rosh Hashana 2022, and ends on Shavuot 2026. From my thread "Daniel's 1290 1335 days", I have stated that 1335 days is a feast to feast timeline. If Shavuot 2026 wraps up all the tribulation events, then subtracting 2520 days from that date, we come to June 28 2019 as the beginning of tribulation and rapture.

Also, based on 70 jubilees and Marriage Supper of the Lamb, my belief is Jesus shall return on Nisan 15 2026, one day after Passover.  Below is the possible timeline.

June 28 2019 Rapture ------- 2470 days------- Nisan 15 2026 Jesus returns to earth------ 50 days ----- Shavuot 2026 End of tribulation

Here's an interesting scenario. 70 weeks began on Nisan 1 445 BC. Between Nisan 1 445 BC and Return of Messiah on Nisan 15 2026, there are a total of 2470 years.

My point is this, from the commandment of going forth to rebuild Jerusalem, to the actual return of Messiah, when there is 2470 years, does it foretell that from the beginning of tribulation, in order to rebuild Zion, unto the physical return of Messiah to earth, will there be also 2470 days?

Posted : March 12, 2019 7:40 am
Posts: 30
Trusted Member Registered

This post is total gibberish.  When you base  your conclusions on a speculative start of a time line that is at best questionable,  those conclusion just will not stand up.  That is why most of your post are not being replied to or "liked".  If you would use the words such as "could be or may be or this is my understanding" based on ABC or 123 I found in these Bible verses, you may find a more receptive audience.  Remember, context, context, context.  Without it, conclusions are only an unsubstantial set of circular reasoning.

You have a great mind and are a storehouse of much information you want to share.  Please find and use a better, more friendly and understandable way of presenting it.  :thankyou

Posted : March 12, 2019 9:05 am
Posts: 654
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Hi Tom, my thread titled " A possible timeline" has said it all. It is not a firm timeline as I had no intention to say so. I have indicated that this is a possible timeline. And the reason I extract sources from my other threads and didn't say "could be", "may be" because I want to save time in formulating my post. Readers should know my thought and use their own discernment to digest my thread. I don't think I need to add "could be", "may be" as they can see with their own eyes.

Posted : March 12, 2019 9:15 am