Hello, I know no one wants to think of the Second Coming as 15 years off, but I do tend to wonder, won't that be exactly 2,000 years from Jesus' death and resurrection? To me that seems significant dispensationally, also I believe studies have been done on more lunar/solar eclipses on Jewish feast days during those years, it's just not a tetrad. I honestly cannot even spend much time contemplating that. I know within the context of eternity 15 years is a drop in the ocean, but for me it seems like 15 million years away. I cannot imagine how evil this world will be in fifteen years. Beyond that, I have absolutely no desire to experience any more suffering that comes with growing old, nor the emotional pain I live with daily. I have had enough pain physically and emotionally to last an eternity, thank you very much. Watched a cousin commit suicide. Found family members brutally murdered at the hands of another family member. Abandoned by my earthly father. Ravaged by Lyme disease that attacked my brain, then my whole body, and took me to the edge of ending my own life because I felt at moments I could no longer endure the mental and physical anguish, while I lost family relationships, health, job and lifetime finances. Yep, had enough of this broken, fallen world. Like Fernando Ortega sings, "You can have all this world, just give me Jesus." If it's fifteen more years, just come get me now Abba. I'll meet you guys up there. In the meantime, I will keep sounding the warning that He is coming. Maranatha!!! Thank You Lord that this world is not all there is and that our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Really looking forward to being with You. My heart hurts for all that you said Watchman. It sounds like more has transpired in your life than last we knew. I don't know how you're living without work, but God is faithful, and His eye is on you as you labor for Him to save the lost. A prayer that it will not be much longer for you and all of us. :rose: Hi Kolleen. I apologize that my post gave an incomplete impression. Actually, I have been back at work full time since June of 2016, solely by the grace of God. They kicked me off my disability before I was really ready to go back, but the Lord has sustained me. I remember the first day I went back on June 20th, 2016, I literally nearly collapsed. But thankfully no one saw it and I was able to go on. My health has become manageable, Praise God! Never 100%, but manageable. I have a good paying job as a project manager provides income to support His work and provide for my family. I am truly grateful for that. My experiences of pain and sorrow have left me so ready to go home. Maybe that was God's intention all along--to bring me to a place where the things of this world no longer have an allure or draw upon my soul. If that's the case, I think the mission has been accomplished. I sure hope He uses the pain and suffering for His glory, that it might be worth something. Wouldn't 15 more years throw God's timeline (sign) off, the one He told us would signal the beginning of the endtimes? Israel. Israel became a nation in 1948, and scripture says, when we see that happen, another generation shall not pass to see the Lord return. A generation is 70 and if by strength 80 yrs. Israel turns 71 in May. Add in the 7 yr tribulation and the longest we have is two more years...correct? Only if we're supposed to be counting by 80. There are theories closer to 100. I think we have to consider the shelf life of all the things that are converging now. How long will Russia, Iran and Turkey be in an alliance and present in Syria. Alliances don't last long these days and and can turn quickly. It seems like in 15 years technology will be advanced well beyond what we see in Revelation. These are just a couple of examples among many. I guess it's possible but it seems like a huge pause and de-escalation of current events matching Biblical prophecy would have to occur. Just my take on it. 2033 - 2034 would be a possibility for the Rapture or second advent IF the calendar we go by is correct. Some historians nowadays have the birth of Jesus at 4 BC now lol So since we can't be 100 % sure our calendar is correct I tend to focus mostly on dates and numbers associated with Israel when looking for Rapture possibility's.
Speculation on Timing of the Rapture or Tribulation
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Posted : April 1, 2019 9:03 am
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Posted : April 3, 2019 11:37 am
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Posted : April 4, 2019 8:58 am
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Posted : April 23, 2019 6:30 pm