Dr. Oz promotes RFI...
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Dr. Oz promotes RFID Microchip

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Patricia N.
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Hi all,

I've never started a post here before.  Hope I'm not breaking any rules.  I just think this is so close to the Mark of the Beast:



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We know its coming and for Dr. Oz (whom the unsaved seem to gravitate towards) is promoting the chip implant ... yikes!  Talk about mind control and deceiving his fans into thinking this is a good thing.  If he can convince the lost to accept this then they will be ready for all the other junk the AC requires and the lost will no longer have control of their mind to make decisions for themselves ... they will be like zombies (dead men) walking around. :wacko:

On a positive note ... we must be very close to flying out of here!  We are ready Lord ... any time :prayer-hands:

:flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup:

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What we call zombies, the bible calls them "dead men walking"!

Thankfully we all know the wisdom of not putting our trust in any man other than Christ!

The personal charisma of men as also found in the false prophet and the AC will mislead and herd many into Hell!

Whatever technology or monies that are used they are simply tools by which to deceive by the enemy, to the destruction of any personal autonomy, choice and the choosing of the one true God!

This is also why I have always had a great aversion to any techno craze that man produces!  Many might be well meaning in promoting these advancements of man, while many are simply and knowingly play the role of their own selfish ambitions.

Like the old saying goes:  Satan doesn't care if he knocks you off the right side or the left side of your horse, just as long as you are knocked off!  An unmounted rider is useless!  Whereas we and Christ shall all be mounted upon white horses!



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Cool Patricia N.  Great start.  Thanks.

We have mused for years that as we are Raptured things will be left behind and found on the floor or ground.  For example shoes plus.  But some have proposed more permanent / less obvious internal items like fillings, or maybe synthetic hip or knee joints.

Maybe the good news is for anyone who believes and trusts in Jesus, their microchip would also have been left behind. :yes: :whistle: :unsure: 😉 B-)

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My dog was chipped but this was done before I purchased him and saw it listed on his paperwork.  It was upsetting to me.  I would never have agreed to have it done but the vet was so happy he was.  So I expect his micro chip to fall out before he reaches heaven. :whistle:

You do make me ponder when the roll out of the first phase of this is.  I’m not talking about when the AC comes into power but while the church is still here ... I just wonder if employers, health care facilities, etc. are going to give out an ultimatum on everyone to get chipped or no employment or can’t be seen by a doctor, can’t be operated on or get prescription pills?  And will the stores require the chip right away too?  If so, how many Christians in America will we see fight against this?  I certainly don’t want a chip and will refuse it.  Or do you think the rapture will happen before they start harassing us? :feedback

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My favorite coffee mug (I know, Geri, UGH!) just got chipped.

No doubt in my mind about being Raptured first.  One of the items I heard in the video and scratched my head about was the claim that about 10,000 people have been chipped.  Seriously?  A lot of tiny rural towns have more people than that.  A tempest in a teapot at the moment.

I suppose the shadow government has a stash though.  I even remember a few years ago that several government agencies bought up and stashed hundreds of millions of bullets.  Consumers couldn't find or buy them because of the scarcity.  I don't know how things are now.  Perhaps with much less fanfare tens or hundreds of millions of RF ID chips have already been bought and strategically stashed.  FEMA?  I don't know nussingh!  :unsure: B-)

If / whenever they go about extensive deployment, the logistics would be mind boggling!  And what an obvious business opportunity particularly in the north central US and southern Canada for local Chippewas to sell franchises!

Oh and by the way, what's to keep people from burrowing in to chip-snatch or maybe for friends to play chip-swap games, making it easy to get lost, or maybe corrupt all sorts of databases.

Or maybe just conk some rich guy on the head, pop his chip out, and use it at the bank or store before he wakes up to report a suspected stolen chip.  Or how about the likelihood of a "black [chip] market?"  Spooky to think about!!

Maybe a tempest in a teapot as I expect, but maybe not...  But anyway I'm sure, Geri, we'll be long gone.  April Fools after all is only about 110 days away.  And July 21 is only about 220 days away...

Never mind.  Go to bed, Dan!!!  Enough of this!

Ok, sorry. :wacko: Smile

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LOL ... “your favorite coffee mug got chipped”.  Now no excuses ... you must toss it and finally experience a tranquili-tea cup. 😉

I just saw this posted on another forum board and its confirmation to me that the church age is soon coming to a rapid close!


Athenasius on another forum board posted

MEMRI is a very reputable news source that monitors Middle East media and pulls useful stuff up. They are reporting here:

and the Jewish News Syndicate has a short version here  https://www.jns.org/top-adviser-to-turkish-president-erdogan-calls-for-creation-of-islamic-army-for-palestine/

that Erdogan's chief military advisor wants to start an Islamic Army under Turkish leadership for the purpose of liberating Jerusalem from the Jews.

This advisor named Tanverdi is interesting. Here's the high points that strike me:

He survived Erdogan's purge and somehow rose to the top. That says he is Erdogan's most loyal type, and likely isn't "advising" Erdogan as much as repeating what his boss wants to hear. Since everyone else in the military that opposed Erdogan is dead, in jail or missing elsewhere it's likely that this is the news announcement to start getting the world ready to hear of Turkey's future invasion of Israel. 

He is a hardline Islamist.

and this was what Memri said Erdogan and Tanriverdi were thinking about from back 2 years ago in 2017 quote:
"On December 12, 2017, ahead of the summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul, the Turkish daily Yeni Şafak, which is close to President Erdoğan and his ruling Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi (AKP), published an article titled "A Call for Urgent Action," which also appeared on the paper's website under the title "What If an Army of Islam Was Formed against Israel?" The article called on the 57 member states of the OIC to form a joint "Army of Islam" to besiege and attack the state of Israel. The main points of the article were taken from the website of SADAT International Defense Consulting, which Tanrıverdi founded."

OK that is big

So essentially this guy Tanverdi is helping Erdogan put together an army to besiege and attack Israel.

Now .... the Memri article dated Dec 3 of *This year* is pointing out that they are going ahead with those plans and allowing the news to leak out more.

it's been in the works for 2 years. Likely when Erdogan staged his own failed coup that gave him the excuse to purge the army of anyone opposing Islamic Fundamentalism (which used to be the role of the army in the Turkish constitution) that he was planning to promote men like Tanverdi.

To help him put together his little invasion force for what we know of as

**Ezekiel 38**

If that doesn't just snap your head up, and cause you to listen for that trumpet call!

- Fair Use-


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Truly as like many nations, war visits all.  But a demonically inspired hatred for God's chosen people speaks of something deeper and more sinister than just the sins of men.

Let again pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!  God's favor has indeed fallen upon many men and nations, but God's love of Israel is renown.  That said, we are also taught that judgment begins at the house of the Lord!

Though Israel has known both the favor and judgment of God as we all have, it just seems to me that Israel seems to be blind about His times of judgment against Israel.

Which is sad, for if we or any nation could acknowledge and confess our sins perhaps the judgments of God could be dissuaded if not minimalized!  Yet because of the lack of fear before the Lord, wisdom is lost.  Nothing left but empty teachings and doctrines having no power, only shells.  As like empty seplechures.

