:prayer-hands: Praying that our mighty God will bless you lavishly, TR, and supply all of your needs and many of your wants. Hugs. What a sweet prayer, thanks! TR Thank you for sharing Geri, much of this has been out for quite a time but interestingly the “deep state” as they are now known by (Illuminati is what I originally learned), are very comfortable allowing knowledge of them to surface. It has been put out there the numbers of celebrities that not only belong but push deep state theology, baby cloths with one world on them, jewelry giving merit to the cults, the rise of witchcraft as a common life (Harry Potter), George Sorros, AI, Muslim brotherhood in every country, it is truly amazing the many levels of deception now openly proclaimed. God cannot call the church home soon enough for me! :prayer-hands: Indeed the hearts and souls of men have long been exposed before the Lord. We now are being shown the extent and degree of rebellion upon the Earth. Just another sign of how close we are to going home. But as the Lord has patiently waited to see the sins of man slowly pile up before Him, it is affirmed that the judgments of God's will be righteous and true. TR
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