Forging through the ruins, Of yesterday’s content, We grasp the realization, That the Rapture is imminent. We peer through swollen eyes, Where tears have carved a path, And see the stark reality, Of a victim’s aftermath. The enemy has been on the warpath, Unrelenting in his quest to destroy. He has intruded into every situation, Attempting to steal all semblance of joy. His wrath of terror is at its zenith, Which portends that the end is near, The dark clouds hanging on the horizon, Confirm that Jesus is ready to appear. We know the Holy Spirit is within us, We are sanctified in the Father’s eyes, But lacerations bleed just the same, No matter where the incision lies. Our impatience has bred frustration, And this frustration has spawned new fear, This is just what the enemy is seeking, To lead us astray with Jesus so near. Thus, the time has come to revise our course, Should we “spring into action” or just “be still”? Do we “raise the sails” or “set the anchor”? “Ascend the mountain” or simply “gaze at the hill”? So many questions without expedient answer, Confusion obfuscates what each of us must do, This is the time to kneel in meek prostration, Before our Saviour – who is Righteous and True!! No matter what transpired in the distant past, Or what each of us is experiencing today, Tomorrow will be a different story, With all of our tears being washed forever away! The Holy Spirit will soothe the hurt within, If we retain the Faith and humbly repent, The Father holds our future within His Hands, While Jesus has the capacity to reclaim YESTERDAY’S CONTENT!!! Can I get a huge AMEN to that! Awesome poetic reflection that states so much! Thank you! :thankyou :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: Beautiful and yet again on point! Thank you for sharing this. Always an encouragement. You definitely have the gift of being a psalter!
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November 21, 2019 3:21 pm
2 Replies
November 21, 2019 3:25 pm
November 22, 2019 3:57 am