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Would like your opinion on this

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Hello siblings,

I would like your opinion about what happened yesterday between me and an ex-colleague:

I think he is a Muslim. He asked me if I celebrate Christmas, then asked me what the difference is between Catholics and Protestants. I told him what I know then he asked me how I know there is a God.
When I said I had personal experiences that made me believe there is, he said Buddhists, Hindus.................also talk about having experiences, there can't be many Gods. I said "Well, there is also the devil and he can appear as an angel of light."

he said: "how do you know your experiences were not the devil appearing to you as an angel of light?"

he was pressuring me a lot. I also felt at one point as if it is a demonic attack to confuse me and cause mental distress.

It's as if now someone is suggesting to me it was the devil all along in my life messing around with me............

He seemed very challenging. He also said: " you said you accept Jesus you go to heaven, so I am a Muslim, I am going to hell? "

I confronted him a bit about the way he was talking to me and things he was saying to me. He then said that he is confused and is genuinely seeking answers.

I told him I can connect him with a pastor to talk to. He said: "I would like a female pastor. "

I said I know more male pastors but I will think of a female to talk to. He said: "if it is a female pastor, can I also sleep with her?" (he did not say "sleep with her", he used a more vulgar word which I won't say)

I was a bit shocked. (One of the questions he had asked during our long conversation is about Christians who sleep around with others. I told him a lot of people are Christians by name only and there are also hypocrites. The Bible says you don't sleep with anyone before you are married. )

then he said: "well, maybe I can just kiss her"

then: "well, if I just imagined something in my mind, would that be OK?"

I said I will think of who to connect him with and get back to him.

I am trying to remember what he was saying around the end, I don't really..............but he sounded demeaning, sarcastic, making fun of me................? ( very disturbing, not sure how to describe it best)

I think he is confused and maybe searching for God. However, his behavior with me and things he said sounded like demonic attacks and an attempt to mess up with my mind, his jokes were vulgar....

I wonder if he also has mental health problems

after the way he spoke with me yesterday, I feel like connecting him with a female pastor, telling her everything that he said to me, let her take over and distance myself a bit from him......

I can't help struggling with him saying: maybe the devil has been messing around with me instead of God in my life............

we have been through so much mental strain for the past 2 years, I don't need things like that.

20 Replies
Lee Giblin
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Heidi,  I think you are right about it being demonic.   I would not let him near any female but would find a Big alpha male, filled with the Holy Spirit,  letting him know what you just said.

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I agree 100% with Lee! To introduce him to a female pastor would put her in danger.

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In agreement with you both.  Heidi, this ex-colleague is not searching for Truth instead he got a demon(s) inside and is getting a kick out of making fun and taunting your faith.   When you mentioned he is looking for a female pastor vs. a male pastor … I knew what his nasty response was going to be next and sure enough.  He was aiming to get you upset, cause confusion and make you doubt.  You have no obligation to help him out.  Just ignore him in the future.

My aunt went thru something similar when she was in the workplace … her male “co-worker” Vinny gave her this sob story that his soon to be ex-wife is going to get his kids and she is abusive to them … so she said lets pray … she put her hand on his shoulder and started to pray and she felt him “shaking” and after she said in Jesus name AMEN … he took off running down the hallway.  She thought what the heck?  Then another co-worker approached and said you put your hands on Vinny???   She said I was praying over his situation and the lady clued my aunt that Vinny is a warlock and has a witchcraft store downtown near the high school.  He sold love potions and those who couldn’t afford to pay … he was having relations with the females.  Soooo my aunt went to his store … stood catty corner across the busy street and prayed that the Lord would shut his store down.  He comes out of the store and looks directly at her and shouts out Gracie, don’t you love me anymore?  So creepy.  His store … burned down … soon afterwards.

Anyway … these demonic people enjoy harassing Christians and robbing them of their joy and I recognize your ex-colleague is doing the same.  Just avoid him he is not worth the time of day for help.  He already made his choice.

Sorry you are under spiritual attack. Praying for you.

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Also, if he is a muslin he would never submit to any teaching or instruction from a woman. He is only looking to have carnal knowledge of her.

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Thank you very much Lee, Geri, Yohanan,

I agree with you.

Geri, when you said: "Heidi, this ex-colleague is not searching for Truth instead he got a demon(s) inside and is getting a kick out of making fun and taunting your faith.", you described the situation perfectly. yes, he was getting a kick out of making fun and taunting me about my faith"

that is exactly what happened.

also him possibly having a demon inside could be true. there is something about him that has been making me uneasy, but not sure what that was..................

He said he used to be a religious Muslim, that's a lot of open doorways right there.

I will contact a male pastor, tell him what happened then email my colleague with the contact info of that pastor. I will definitely distance myself from him. After his taunting last night, making fun of my faith and suggesting that it was the devil who was alongside me in my life angered me and disgusted me. that guy is out of my life.

Thank you everyone :rose:



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Only Jesus rose from the dead! There is salvation in no other god(s) - only Jesus! This is what this man needs to know above all. That is the decisive point in that conversation. I don't know what argument he would use against that, but Christ is risen, and HE is the only way!

You could ask him to study to try to disprove that Jesus rose from the dead - if he were to search that out, he might even find salvation in his pursuit, if he would do it!

But, I don't believe he is truly searching, tho we can hope he is. I think he was the enemy come in to bring confusion and deception to you Heidi, just as you felt. I believe you first hand sensed and felt the enemy at work. Not only the devil keeping this man from knowing the Truth, but using this man to attempt to cause you enough doubt to stray from the very Word and Truth of God on which you stand. You were wise to discern his tactics.

Proved out even further by his degrading demeaning remarks re: a female pastor(s). He was not looking in humility to know biblical truth, he is looking to conquer. To dominate! The serpent went to Eve, and that is what he wants - to deceive the weaker vessel, in his mind, beliefs and judgment. I personally would not suggest any female pastor to him, unless she would see the need to have a male pastor there to minister with her.

At this point, I would only refer him to male pastors. This man has an evil agenda to dominate over any female pastor, just as he tried to lord it over you, and possibly worse. He is a spiritual danger because his intention is to deceive over all. And he exposed that his intention is lust, from his imagination, to kissing, to sex.

The enemy is using him in his lost state, to toy with the children of God, in calculating and deliberate ways, wanting to overpower all that you know, believe and trust in the Lord and Savior, Jesus.

It was a conversation almost like being face to face with satan, who comes to kill, steal and destroy! Don't doubt Heidi. Hang on to Jesus. Draw near to Him and He will draw near to you. Read, listen to and speak the Word. Meaningful worship music.Pray until you gain back your assurance.

Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.

Every word of God is pure; He is a shield to them that put their trust in Him.

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

And they overcome him (satan) by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their testimony.

His Name, is called, "The Word of God."


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Heidi, glad to see you back! I am sorry that you have had this experience. I agree with all the others, do not introduce him to any female pastor and you should distance yourself from any communication from him. It could be dangerous considering his language and demeanor with you, and your safety is crucial. I agree with Lee and the others, if you must communicate with him again, keep a healthy physical distance and then refer him to a big ole healthy Christian male, in fact, have a Christian man/pastor with you. The most effective tool you have at our disposal is prayer and that is probably the best and safest method for him at this time. If he is truly seeking God, he can find Him and between online and physical churches.

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Kolleen, things that you said were so right and accurate.

But, I don’t believe he is truly searching, tho we can hope he is. I think he was the enemy come in to bring confusion and deception to you Heidi, just as you felt.

yes, the enemy was trying to confuse me.

Proved out even further by his degrading demeaning remarks re: a female pastor(s). He was not looking in humility to know biblical truth, he is looking to conquer. To dominate!

His remarks about female pastors were very degrading and demeaning. Yes, it looks like he wants to conquer and dominate.

This man has an evil agenda to dominate over any female pastor, just as he tried to lord it over you, and possibly worse. He is a spiritual danger because his intention is to deceive over all. And he exposed that his intention is lust, from his imagination, to kissing, to sex.

I am amazed you said: just as he tried to lord it over you.

Yes, and that was not just the last discussion over the phone. I was going to confront him before about him sounding superior when he talks to me.

The enemy is using him in his lost state, to toy with the children of God, in calculating and deliberate ways, wanting to overpower all that you know, believe and trust in the Lord and Savior, Jesus.

It was a conversation almost like being face to face with satan, who comes to kill, steal and destroy! Don’t doubt Heidi. Hang on to Jesus.

sometimes I had the feeling that it was a conversation almost face to face with satan.

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