This is so exciting that we're all back together again! I'm out of town so doing this on my phone. Are we going to have a 'like' button or is it there and I can't see it on my phone? Saying it again... Thanks for getting RITAN back! No like button yet, but it remains in consideration. Oddly enough that little feature was one of the more expensive and problem prone parts of Ritan in the past. Hey guys....Yeah, we will have one soon. My hubby is the tech guy for the moment and as soon as he has some time he is going to add one. Hang in there....It's coming soon.....Maybe before the Rapture....lol...We have emojis and for time being I just use one instead of text typing out a full response if I want to make a quick like. :good: :good: :good: :bye: :yahoo: :yahoo: I remember being able to see who liked your post, too. I would sometimes accidentally like my own post/reply and then go around the rest of the day thinking that everyone probably thought I'm some sort of narcissist for liking my own post. :wacko: :bye: :good: :good: :bye: