I know Elvis is alive, I talked with him when the aliens took me to their ship. That should end the matter. TR Oh my word y'all! This is hilarious about Elvis. Geri, that last post of yours was very intriguing. Guess we won't know until heaven. As to the witnesses... I don't want to rehash everything y'all have said, but I do find it interesting that of all the old testament folks Jesus could have chosen to chat with up on the Mount of Transfiguration - he chose Moses and Elijah. I do find that particularly telling. As to the whole "two death thing," well, think of the folks he raised back to life during his ministry... it was more than just Lazarus... they all would have died again eventually. Also, think of the young boy raised to life in the old testament (Elijah or Elisha - always mix them up, or did they both do a miracle like that?)... would have also died again... point being: I don't think the full context of that verse fits to refute Moses being disqualified from being one of the two witnesses. Just my two cents worth... :whistle: Moses and Elijah are neither disqualified nor can be called "shoe ins"! IMHO Again, my position is that whoever they end being I'll enjoy their fellowship in Heaven! I guess I'm just easy that way. The sad part in all of this, is that so many are willing to step up and claim those mantles! Knowing full well that I would be God's last choice for any such mantle, I defer to remain in my humble station! I think that is what Kathryn Kulman said of herself as well. TR What do you mean by mantles? I thought the 2 witnesses will be known for sackcloth and ashes? That is usually an Old Testament garment. Speaking about “shoe ins” ... do you think their foot wear will be sandals or perhaps Air Jordan sneakers? :unsure: Mantles is what they are diseased with! Ergo the sackcloth and ashes. It's a new line called Saviour sandals! Remember my concession stand in Heaven?! TR Oh ok ... got it! :good: That makes better sense with being “diseased with” ... because a mantle to me is a heavy piece of wood for the top of the fireplace! I couldn’t imagine what you were referring to other than perhaps the 2 witnesses would be carrying heavy wood on their shoulders for some reason ... I'd be surprised regarding heavenly shoes, Geri, if at least some of the angels didn't wear wingtips. Those are holey, right? Could be. Or perhaps the heavenly footwear and what the 2 witnesses will be wearing with their lovely sackcloth and ashes attire will be the all natural look? :unsure: What no toe rings?! A ring and a robe, remember? TR Toe rings :mdrmdr: Oh yeah ... the prodigal son story ... the ring, a robe and the fatted calf from the organic farm was the main meal at the banquet party ... no slimy food platters from the ocean, lakes or rivers! :good:
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