- Fair Use - Hmmm ... talk about making Washington a ghost town. Can you just picture this scenario after they drain the swamp ... sending them off to prison and/or to face the firing squad for treason and Trump uses the Seal 6 team to do the honors? 😉 Then perhaps the rapture happens and takes the remaining 2% Christians home to glory. America will not be around to come to Israel’s aid for G/M war :unsure: Fireworks will soon begin! Jan 6th! How can Biden be sworn in secretly if his briefings have been stopped?! So surreal that so many in our government have put their faith in demonic lies and personal greed! Also surreal that the world is laying the foundation for the AC! And indeed that the Blessed Hope is so near! Quick, somebody pinch me and wake me up! TR Indeed, the fires of hell are being stoked! TR "Tenderreed says, When will God flush the toilet!?" :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: That's an interesting way to put it! I hope very soon! Like today, or next week, or the week after, or the week after, or the week after. You get my drift. ROFL! I want him to flush NOW!!! Holding my breathe now! TR Tommorrow is a great wedding day! Wed nes day! Wed us day! TR Twelfth day of Christmas and we're still here! At this point in time, it's still anybody's guess! Certainly everything prophetically is already in place! Just a matter of for how long?! If the harvest/fruit get's any riper, it could spoil! I hate it when that happens! TR
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