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What’s underneath the Dome of the Rock?

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10 minute clip from Aaron

The Rapture The Abomination & What's Under The Dome Of The Rock?

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The comment section is interesting!

I’m glad you brought this up. Not only is the Rock underneath the Dome of the Rock considered to be the Most Holy Place of the first Temple built by King Solomon, it is also the geographic top of Mount Moriah where Abraham was initially instructed to sacrifice Isaac. “And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭22‬:‭2‬ It makes perfect sense that this is a type and shadow. It also makes perfect sense that the adversary, in the name of Islam, would build the Dome of the Rock there in order to prevent the rebuilding of the Temple. The Muslims also built a graveyard and attempted to seal off the East Gate of the Temple Mount in order to try to prevent the return of our Lord and Savior to what will be the Millennial Temple, or fourth Temple. Our adversary also knows Scripture. A HUGE sign will be if the Dome of the Rock is “inadvertently” destroyed in the Psalm 83 war. It isn’t considered by Muslims to be a mosque. The Al Aqsa Mosque is the only mosque on the Temple Mount. The Antichrist will use the aforementioned reality to create a treaty whereby the nation of Israel will be justified in rebuilding the Temple on the wreckage of that site. I’ve been to the Temple Mount twice in my life, in 2005 and 2007.

That's supposed to be Mount Moriah where Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac, and I think also where Jacob laid down and saw stairway to Heaven. There's a portal there which is why aliens keep showing up over the dome.


There is a cave underneath Golgotha and that is where it is. Our Kings blood ran down through the crack and onto the ark of the covenant.

That's what I heard also. One of the prophets hid it deep in a tunnel. And it is under the crucifixion site. I believe the Jewish establishment knows exactly where it is.


I have heard this is where Abraham went to sacrifice Issac. Which makes sense due to Abraham took his tithes etc. to the high priest in Salem which is Jerusalem. Interesting.

That rock is where Abraham was going to sacrifice Issac. The Muslims believe that Ishmael was the one to be sacrificed there. Ishmael is the "founder/father" of Islam. There are no coincidences in the Bible, in fact the word "coincidence" isnt even in the original ancient Hebrew language.

I think that rock is the foundation of the world referred to in the Bible (just a theory). And that was the first piece of the world and God created the world around it! Knowing that God had everything planned from the beginning to the end and what would take place on that rock is just beautiful isn't it? Makes sense the abomination of desolation would take place directly on the foundation of the world.

Crusaders broke off 2 pieces … One piece went to Italy (Vatican?) and another went to Constantinople.

When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand)" Matt 24:15 KJV. This describes a "Holy Place" not necssesarily a Temple. So technically the AC could just stand on the Rock which is the "Holy Place" ie where the Ark of the Covenant once was placed. Interesting that the Ark would actually fit in that cut out. I don't believe a New Temple will be built before Jesus returns with us at his Second Advent and then He will rebuild the Temple of which he will sit. It says nothing of Rebuilding" the Temple in the Bible. Only the "Standing in the Holy Place". Shalom


Hmmm?... Dome of the rock protects holy ground, Iron dome protects Israel...any connection there?

My thoughts are the dome is the abomination. My understanding is the dome has written God has no son on it

The  writing all over the dome is blasphemy it says Allah is god and has no son


Why do I feel there is an earthquake coming to that holy spot to remove the dome of the rock?

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What are your thoughts?


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Here’s another intriguing comment …

Cross-reference the Lord's words 'abomination ...of... desolation' (Mat 24 & Mar 13 - Strong's G2050 - Greek transliteration) and notice that Jesus was referring to Daniel, who called it the 'abomination ...that maketh ... desolate' (Dan 11 & 12 - Strong's H8251 & H8074 - Hebrew). In other words, the Dome of the Rock, standing where it aught not, IS that abomination and while it stands on that holy mount/rock it is a desolation to the Jews who cannot worship there until it's removed. What filth could be more abominable and detestable (quoting Strong's) than the idol that stands on His Holy Place as we speak ... you know, the one that proclaims on its walls that God has no Son? 1John 2:22 "Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son." Blessings

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