WHAT PROFIT (PROPHET) ARE WE? How are we supposed to witness Lord, When our lives are falling apart? How are we supposed to shine, When darkness eclipses our Godly-heart? We try so hard to please You Lord, But often fall so miserably short, We wish to spread the Blessed News, But the heathen disregard our Heavenly Report. God, You put us here on earth, To be faithful and obedient, But every day we make poor choices, Which (per Your Word) are not expedient. Success can’t be judged from our perspective, If it was, we would be deeply distressed, But You Lord have promised to cast our failures, As far as the East is separated from the West. We want so much to spread Your Light, That Jesus put within our souls, But every day we’re opposed by those who would rather, Burn us to non-existence with their coals. Most days are such a struggle, Just to refrain from lashing back, At those that fire their evil darts, And diligently plan their next attack. We must still attempt to do our best, To reflect Your Light onto the lost, But it is just a shame that evil rejects, A Gift attained at such a cost. So we must take solace in YOUR FINISHED WORK, That Jesus performed upon the Cross, It is only our beloved Lord and Savior, That prevents us from suffering eternal loss. So how much profit do we bring, When the walls are tumbling down? We must remember that despite travail, We’ll ultimately wear the Watcher’s Crown. It is not for us to judge our fate, No matter how much we stumble and fall, For our destiny is placed in Jesus’ Hand, And that pretty much says it all! Amen and Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come soon Jesus!!! Please? Humbly Amen! TR Our ministries may look different now, what we can or can not do, how we navigate this current upside down world, we are still called on to pray with earnestness to the Lord of the harvest, for the peace of Israel, and to be with Christ, which is far better. :prayer-hands: Thank you TR and well-said Tammie!
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