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What if this is for our own good.

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I used to live and work in the Rocket City, Huntsville, AL and did a good bit of business with companies in the aerospace industry. I am also a big fan of the space program and have read many books on the subject. You'd find it easier to beat Bobby Fischer in chess than you would to convince me that we haven't been to the moon. I know there are a lot of conspiracy theorists out there who think they can debunk NASA but I'm not one of them. Besides, Gen 11:6 says The LORD said, "Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them.

So many technologies have come about because of the space program. The holographic technologies and AI were all spawned out of it.

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I loved watching the last shuttle take off and land at the Space Station —- watched interviews and walk throughs of the station — awesome! Course I’m a science / health geek to the core!
I can’t wait to jump around the heavens. :yahoo: :prayer-hands:

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More on the coming disasters:

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He said we will be on lockdown again in two weeks because of the incoming debris field.

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If you've noticed lately, Corona Virus cases have been ramping up for over a month now which will give them an excuse to do it. (false statistics btw)


If you remember they said "Summer" would slow down the virus until fall. Now the opposite is happening.


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Again, they don’t know their head from their glutenous maximus or minimus. Falsifying data to insight fear! :wacko:

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more and more tests are being done so of course numbers rise. in no other year in my 60+  years of life were people tested for whatever virus was going around like they have been over covid19. there are no accurate comparative numbers to how many infected people with a virus are sick, not sick, recover.

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Regina,  I mentioned this in another post —- the reagent used to run the tests (Most from Abbott/Ross industry) comes from China, I know unbelievable - can we really believe the tests are positive? False positive; False negatives .... the common medical masks N95 and the blue ones we use in acute care facilities are many times purchased from China via supply chains .... Oh and China now owns (if not 100%, voting power) most of big pharma  — so China gave the world a virus, so they can also give you potentially (my opinion & many others in healthcare) contaminated &/or impregnated supplies & meds for this virus .... hmmmm .... now we all know this is bigger than this even and darker (prince of this world) is working it out to destroy mankind



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hi Tammie, i used to work in healthcare, 20 years, half of those as an RN in hospitals. we never tested people for what (cold) virus they had. the viruses are so small, the masks are not stopping them. how clogged the system would have been to round up most of a state in the flu months and test people to see who was exposed (but well) or exposed and doing ok at home would have been inconceivable. i cannot believe that health authorities are that ignorant of the size of viruses or the thousands years history of cold & flu times. :bye: :negative: Come Lord Jesus, please soon.

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Wow this is making the rounds on twitter. This brave doctor is announcing there is a cure for COVID-19 and was standing on the steps of the Supreme Court today making this announcement ... no need for masks or lockdown ...

The cure is Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc & Zithromax ... she now became a thorn in Gates and Fauci’s side. :mdrmdr:    Let’s :prayer-hands:  Trump listens to her to stop this over the top mandatory mask/self isolation/lockdown madness.  She should win the Nobel prize ... and just think if enough people believe in her success in treating this virus ... Gates will have to go back to the drawing board and come up with another man-made bio lab disease ... B-)

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