We Used To Walk Tog...
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We Used To Walk Together

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“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.“.  I Corinthians 1:18

When you mentioned Sigmund Freud ... I immediately thought of this ...  Movie Star Jane Russell became a born again Christian and tried to witness to her co-star friend, Marilyn Monroe.  But Marilyn rejected the Gospel because she was a follower of Sigmund Freud.  She mockingly had this to say ...

“Though Monroe and Russell became close, their attitudes were quite different. ‘Jane, who is deeply religious, tried to convert me to her religion and I tried to introduce her to Freud,’ Marilyn recalled wryly. ‘Neither of us won.’ As early as 1951, Jane had formed the Hollywood Christian Group, a gospel quartet and weekly bible study group based in her home. Among her fellow members were June Allyson, Dick Powell, and Louella Parsons.  Russell was also a staunch Republican, while Monroe’s sympathies were more liberal – she would later join the Democratic Party.”

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You can lead a horse to water as the old saying goes.  Can two walk together except they be agreed?!

There is always a multiplicity of reasons for not believing.  But Jesus is the only reason wherein truth is found!


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