Arnold Fruchtenbaum specializes in explaining to Jews that Jesus is their messiah. He offers pamphlets in case you want to have some in your glove box. Yep, normalcy bias, or the frog in the pot of water, is a common thing to most people. On one hand it helps neutralize to effects of all that is going on around us, but it also leave us vulnerable to disaster. I think the only reason we are all not as susceptible to it is because we have the Holy Spirit guiding us and warning us and annoying us if we are not listening to Him. I also feel this way Terry. I have seen a few people get saved at our church in the last year, most of them were young, but there were a couple of adults in their 30s/40s. Most people have made their mind up without the evidence of the supernatural. I imagine more than a few will change their mind after the Rapture. It is so sad that they require more proof than what has been proven in scripture and history. The cost for this stubbornness will be huge though, I keep praying while we wait. I want them to have time, I also want to go Home. I read somewhere … immediately after the rapture … many that heard the Gospel will instantly believe, once we are gone. All those conversations will come to their mind like a V8 moment and then they will have regret procrastinating cause life will get VERY dark and they will lose their freedom quickly. All the “fun times” and whatever their idol was … watching tv, sports, etc. that they are living for now … it will not be there … they will own nothing and will see the horrors coming about on planet earth. The contrast will be extreme … like night from day. Y'all need to come to South Africa: we don't have enough electricity to heat the water in the pot! Just thinking now that if we do happen to go on Ascension Day, surely that would make some of the left behind folks think... On the other hand, some people are so blasé they probably won’t even lift an eyebrow. South Africa would be a fun trip. You guys have lots of Great White sharks! :yes: We certainly do Yohanan. Especially in the legal profession. I hope I'm not offending anyone. As you all know, some days I only open my mouth to change feet. However, I have heard it said that 99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name. Change Feet! Ha! :mdrmdr: You're feet are fine. :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: The coronation we just had for King Charles, and we are still here!!! :wacko: I'm ready to go now!!!
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