We are absolutely o...
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We are absolutely on the cusp of being out of here!

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Hahaha! Thanks Heidi for quoting the sentence that I messed up

sorry, I was not quoting this sentence because it was messed up. I was just thinking about the person you are talking about. 🙂

Paul R
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You're not like that, I know Heidi! God bless you! I was berating myself because I'm supposed to be and editor. 🙁

Paul R
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...AN editor. :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr:

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Sticky keyboard? 😁 :mdrmdr:

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Todd Tomlinson
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I woke up this morning thinking that I'm becoming the "frog in the pot of water that is starting to boil".    The old story is that if you put a frog in a pot of water and then put that pot on the stove to boil the water, that by the time the frog figures out the water is starting to boil its too late to jump out.    Maybe its just me, but was thinking that with all that is going on in the world today, I've somewhat becoming like that frog, desensitized to all of the chaos that continues to grow.   The only reason I bring this up is I feel for those who are unsaved as they are being desensitized to the chaos and may not see the reason that we do to run to Jesus for safety and security.    I pray that I turn up my sensitivity level so I can be more aware of those who need to hear the message.

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I had to laugh too when I saw it!! Thanks for your good humor Paul!


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I tend to feel like this late in the game everybody has made their decision.  Now it's just a matter of running the clock out.  I suppose there are still people floundering and reachable in other places.  We're fortunate enough to be retired (as in stay home) and live on a farm outside of a small town where the whole area is full of church folk.  Bob said on the occasions when he has said something to somebody he didn't know they took the bait and ran with it.  They knew as much or more as he did and were pleased to have an opportunity to talk about it.

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We are finally having perfect weather … May is my favorite month … its spring and  the hummingbirds are back  and the spring flowers are in bloom.  Even though I am enjoying the mini paradise around me … I still rather be in my eternal home!

Wednesday I was  trying to figure out what number I would be at the food bank … so many cars already parked before 1:05 pm when I arrived. The car next to me I tapped on the window and this very good looking young Jewish guy  rolled down the window … he was wearing a little Jewish hat and I asked him if he was here for the food bank. He said no, then I saw he had his water bill statement in his hands so he was there to pay his bill in the town hall office … he said tell me about it. So I informed him of the food bank offerings and was able to get the subject to the spiritual side and asked him if he was to die if he had assurance of heaven? He said no … tell me more … then when I mentioned Jesus dying for us … he said we don’t talk about Him, with a smirk on his face. Then he wished me a nice day and drove off. So sad, they are so blinded and stiff neck. I’m not gifted in reaching the Jews …. I have better success with the Catholics or those who not practicing anything/not affiliated with any church or masonry because I know their false doctrine. Oh well. I’m sure God will reach him somehow by bringing another believer across his path.

I feel the calm before the storm coming … meanwhile we are being invaded in our southern borders (Texas) with illegals … I sense something is going to happen soon …

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