. . of the reality in this hour we're in? ~ Mankind is feeling more than fidgety over the elites in Russia and Iran itching to start WWIII ~ should a nuclear war escalate, this earth would be a cinder . . and we KNOW by this announcement, we have to be outta here before that happens . . for Jesus Himself spoke it: ~ ~ “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed” (Luke 17:28-30). As Terry points out: 'The CIA said Putin could turn to using a tactical or low-yield nuclear weapon out of “potential desperation” to claim a small victory. (“Putin officials ‘increasingly worried’ he could unleash limited nuclear weapon,” News Yahoo.com UK) ' ~ ~ The thing to look at here is that God is completely in control—not the power brokers who can and will eventually (during the Tribulation) unleash war… of the nuclear sort. So, looking at the matter of the nuclear neurosis through the heavenly stethoscope, we come to Jesus’ words I’ve brought to our attention many times. They speak directly to our day. Jesus’ words do not equivocate on the condition of the world when He will next make His presence known to all on the earth. It will be the Rapture that will occur in times exactly like they were in the time of Lot in Sodom. There is no indication whatsoever, prior to the catastrophic intervention by Christ, of nuclear war that devastates the planet.' Thankfully, we have the Prophetic Word Donna, he's back again! Scary and his master The Scarbinator, Scott for the un initiated, I missed all the whole gang and family and all because I had too much going on and I had a very difficult time getting into the website, and I have no idea why I had so much trouble with getting my email to work , but anyways I will be checking in off and on to see what is flying off the presses, and just from ready your post here I think I can add that we also have to be outta here before the christian heads begin to roll, cause if all the believers are put to death before and during the tribulation, who will be the ones on earth at His coming, since we are among those who are alive at His coming, so we have to be taken up by Him before those believers during the tribulation are taken down by the antichrist system Donna, The spell check won't keep my dog's name Scarbie, instead it has Scary, what?! Well, Scarby . . nice to see you here . . more than ever, we're so close to the rapture . . . :bye: