US Threatening to B...
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US Threatening to Ban Israeli Airlines from Landing at American Airports

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Patricia N.
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The Israelis have decided to use only El Al to bring their citizens back to the Jewish state due to Covid and America is not happy about that.

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For the past couple of days I've been thinking about how Israel is under major attack from it's enemies like America. First the Trump peace plan plans on dividing Jerusalem and creating a Palestinian state for anti Semite terrorists, Covid 19 shut Israel's economy down which cost people their jobs and stopped Israel from building more homes for their people. forced the country to lockdown, and forced Jews to wear masks, and is now deceiving the whole nation into taking the vaccine which could kill millions of them within a year according to some people and now people in BLM are calling for an end to the Jewish nation.

These are just some of the reasons why I think we could be out of here this year. The Tribulation holocaust is fast approaching.

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Yeah, I saw that. Bai-den is just Obama lite. A puppet controlled by the same wicked individuals.

Bai-den and his puppet masters are cruising for a bruising, treating Israel like that, though.

Todd Tomlinson
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I know we've had this conversation in the past over the years but if you look at the craziness of the weather this past week in the US and how it seems to coincide to times when we're shunning Israel (e.g., Bi de n not calling Bibi).   It makes me scratch my head and go hmmm.  Maybe coincidence but I'm not much of a believer in coincidences.   Agree that Israel is being circled by the lions waiting to devour.   Fortunately we know how the story unfolds.  :popcorn

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Checking in from icy Texas! Praise Jesus, I have power again! I think this weather is allowed by God, because He has authority over the snow and all the weather! Snow In Jerusalem, Greece and Syria....birth pains for sure! Maybe with the Jews crying out for the Messiah on Sunday it will all come together! I pray we are busted out of here ASAP! The predictions for Texas, the aftermath of it all, are grim! I read a article posted on Rapture Ready news, that just made me so sad. It talked about Texas turning into a third world nation! We will see how it turns out after the ice has melted, which will be hopefully by Sunday! Blessings to all of you! :prayer-hands:

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May God Bless Texas.

If I were ever going to live in the USA, it'd be in Texas. A lot of God fearing people down there. Smile
Praying for a quick recovery.

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my TX family members in their 70s live right across the border- literally down the street- from Mexico have had days and nights w/o power or water (praise the Lord for answered prayers its all back on today) and they are covered in snow right now!  it is truly bizarre!!   Multiple TX fam have gone into literally empty grocery store and Walmart...gas pumps out...restaurants past few days...unbelievable stuff...

we haven't been over freezing in our part of TX in a week w/ several of nights in the negatives, but thank the Lord we had our electricity and therefore heat!

i pray we will bless Israel as a country...i guess he did call them finally and giving at least lip service to being good allies?

God is definitely loosening our grip and removing some appeal of this world that is becoming more and more hostile of us and ignorant of the goodness and power of our Lord...praying for many to call on Him now as the heat is turned up - even by unexpected cold!!

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The coldest I remember as a child was the day it was -63.4 F. With wind chill it was below -94 F, maybe even -100 F. School wasn't cancelled but my mother was kind enough to walk me the three blocks  to school to make sure I didn't freeze to death. (The car wouldn't start!)

Those were the days when we would play road hockey for hours on end in -20 F weather. Better than being stuck inside all day. 😛

It'll be nice in eternity to not have to experience that cold again. Brrrr!!!

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did u live in Siberia, Arthur??!  yuck!

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No, I lived in the Northwest Territories in Canada. Pine Point to be exact. It's a town that no longer exists.,_Northwest_Territories

I moved there when I was 5 and left when I was 10. Great memories. The clean, crisp air. The incredible Northern Lights in the winter. The long summer nights where it was just twilight at midnight, so you were allowed to play outside until 11 pm. My father coming home from fishing trips with 45 pound Northern pike that were bigger than I was. Lol.

Yes, it was cold in the winter (go to school in the dark and come home in the dark) and the mosquitoes, horseflies and deerflies were terrible in the summer but those where days I will always cherish.

With the town no longer existing, it's a bit surreal knowing that you can't go home again. It's hard to put into words but I really do think there's a spiritual application there.

Anyway, believe me, you can get used to -40 F weather. It's not so bad. 😉


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