I wonder what will happen if Trump is elected? Probably they will cheat again so that doesn't happen. I think he would throw a wrench into their plans. I think they will stop at nothing to keep Trump out of office. But I also don't think it would matter. I firmly believe our time on this planet is just about up. At least Trump will go up with us and the relentless torture at him will be over! But have you heard - those with murder in their hearts are even saying publicly, Trump needs to be taken out! I hope we are keeping him in prayer for protection in these uncertain days. Most People I know are ignorant about December 12 and couldn’t care less! He made another presentation going into more details on the background of the AC (sharing his research work) its about 54 minutes on his Youtube channel. But it’s very tiny to read the documents … you can hear him clearly though. He is going to make a slide show so it’s easier to read everything. In the comment section … someone asked him when he thinks the rapture is … his reply back December 7th is likely the true sabbath, based on the star app finds on the crucifixion. December 12th would be the day of trumpets as per the eyewitness account of Josephus. Here’s hoping he is on money with the December 12th date. :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn I thought the information he mentioned about Charles and his announcement to the world about alien abductions was very telling. The announcement is planned for 12/12 which if it's expected to explain current events, then the church will be gone either on or before 12/12. There could be a whole new song in Heaven about the 12 days of Christmas. There could be a whole new song in Heaven about the 12 days of Christmas. Good one! 😁😁 I listened to the video again. The information starts at about 10:36 in the video. The illuminati card game makes mention of the Rapture. King Charles will put out his information about alien abduction on December 1 not December 12. Klaus Schwab introduces the major global shock which includes a film called "King of UFOs". Basically this is information to deceive the remaining population that all the millions of missing people were taken by aliens not by God. If it comes out on the first of December, then I don't know when we are leaving. It's only 3 days away, I think we will still hear God's last trump and then the mystery will be over. Creepy 3 minute clip … and the crowd is all clapping at the end with his “dreamy” future utopia. Reminds me of a “planet of the apes” movie where everything is topsy turvy backwards. Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. What are these evil wishful “dreamers” going to do when judgments come down and destroy the earth that they are worshipping? King Charles III Opens COP 28 With A Call To Global Paganism - Fair Use - Thanks.
The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein,