Amir's Bible Bites Devotionals that comes to my e-mail: The Bible says, “So Paul departed from among them, but some men joined him and believed, and among them, one of those 30, Dionysius the Areopagite and a woman called Damaris and others with them.” I want to tell you something. Everywhere you go and preach the gospel, most likely, the majority will reject it. But there will always be those who will hear, take heed, accept, and follow. And for the sake of those, you need to preach to everyone. You just never know. Go to your office, go to your school, go to your family members, you’re going to preach the gospel to them. Ninety percent may reject it. But for the 10%, you’re sent to the whole 100 in order for them, A, to not have any more excuse, and, also, in order for them to have a chance to respond to the gospel. All of you know that you’re minorities in your family, in your working place, in your schools. You are a minority. I always tell people, “You will never, ever be the majority.” The only time believers will be the majority is when they will be the only ones, and that’s when? When God will make all things new – new Heavens and new Earth. Even throughout the 1,000-year Millennial Kingdom, the believers will not be the majority. It’s very interesting to see that. As sad of a reality that is, the truth is that most people today are not interested in hearing the gospel. What makes this even worse is that some in the church have decided that changing the message is the way to increase interest and receptivity to what we are saying. Many churches have adopted the philosophy of presenting themselves as an “affirming church," meaning they recognize all sexual preferences as acceptable. Others have adopted the method of presenting a message of self-improvement and prosperity “if” you come to know Christ. Paul tells the church at Galatia that there is no other gospel, and changing the gospel only leads to being accursed. This is the danger of the aforementioned practices in much of the church today. If you sow a gospel that is not the true gospel, you have changed not only the seed, but the fruit of the seed as well, meaning the outcome of the message. . . . . in the last days when churches are teaching fables instead of gospel facts, those who speak the truth and sow the true gospel seeds are not going to be well received nor is their message. Do we then change the message to something more acceptable? To use one of Paul’s favored responses, “Certainly not!” Preach the Word, dear friends, even though it is not popular. Because some of those gospel seeds are going to land on good soil, and, remember, saving faith comes by hearing the word of God, not by fables. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus. NBC Quietly Changes “Man Dies After Hitting Head” Headline on Death of Elderly Jewish Man by Pro-Palestine Protestor: On Monday, an elderly Jewish man, 65-year-old Paul Kessler, succumbed to injuries sustained at a pro-Palestinian protest over the weekend after he was hit in the head by a pro-Palestinian protester. Despite the extensive media reports about the deadly incident, NBC News’ headline is classic Mainstream Media gaslighting. The original headline read, “Man dies after hitting head during Israel and Palestinian rallies in California, officials say.” Keller did not just “hit his head.” He was attacked by a pro-Palestine protestor and assaulted with a megaphone. The vicious blow caused Keller to fall to the ground where suffered an additional blow to the head, compounding his injuries. . . . .The statement added that the “Ventura County Medical Examiner’s Office determined the cause of death to be blunt force head injury and the manner of death homicide.” Mr. Keller died from homicide, not from “hitting his head” in a passive fall. Be extra careful online. 5 hospitals in Ontario got data stolen through cyberattacks. I think some of the info got posted online. Several services at the Public library have been shut down due to a cyber attack, as well as the Human Rights Commission. Starts 2:00 Earthquakes in divers places cyberattacks down under. - Fair Use - Someone in comment section said We had an earthquake in Roswell, NM this morning at 3:30! I'm not sure of the Epicenter, probably The Carlsbad Caverns area or below in the oil fields in Texas. But here in Roswell, it went left and right verses up and down. It was a 5.2 magnitude. Google’s Green Dream Goes Downhill — Google’s 100% Electric Bus Loses Power, Causes Mayhem on San Francisco Slope: Google’s ambitious dive into the world of electric transportation faced an unexpected roadblock… or rather, a hill. According to World Peace Exclusive, the tech’s lauded “100% Electric Bus” took on San Francisco’s iconic hilly terrain, only to lose power midway up, roll backward, and turn into a four-wheeled pinball, colliding with reportedly a total of nine vehicles on its unintended descent. The electric behemoth is part of Google’s fleet of approximately 140 luxury buses, primarily used to transport Google’s employees from various parts of San Francisco, the East Bay and other Bay Area locations to the firm’s Mountain View headquarters. However, the recent accident involving the electric bus in San Francisco indicates that Google’s ambitious eco-friendly initiatives may have a few bumps — or rather, a few rolls — to iron out. The incident shone a light on the potential issues of powering large vehicles up the city’s famously steep hills. As the bus lost power, it began to roll backward, creating a path of mild destruction by colliding with nine vehicles on its way down, according to World Peace Exclusive. Google has made no official comment on the incident, and no information is currently available at this time. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/report-googles-green-dream-goes-downhill-100-electric/ Get ready for another 50-year abortion fight: Following the Supreme Court’s decision last year in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which happily overturned Roe v. Wade, the pro-life movement went on to suffer significant defeats in six different ballot initiatives to regulate abortion — even in deep red states like Kansas and Montana. On Tuesday, Ohio became the seventh such loss. There, by a margin of 53% to 46%, voters approved an amendment to the state’s constitution establishing a right to abortion. If the first six post-Dobbs losses weren’t clear enough, surely the seventh conveys the message clearly: The pro-life movement has an abortion problem. For nearly half a century, the American people were taught that the baby in the womb is not human, a clump of cells, of no essential worth, and that the shallow, not to mention fleeting and ill-considered, desires of adults trump their sacred duties to their progeny. Of course, throwing off Roe didn’t instantaneously reset the country’s moral compass to postwar America. The rot has done its work. We are a different country now. https://www.theblaze.com/columns/opinion/get-ready-for-another-50-year-abortion-fight In Wyoming, cheap electricity is gone with the wind: Once upon a time, the people of Wyoming enjoyed the lowest electricity rates in the nation, thanks to their supremacy in coal production. A state rich in God’s natural energy is now facing a 29% increase in electricity rates, thanks to Republican Governor Mark Gordon’s windmill grift. Who needs cheap natural fuel when you can have expensive and inefficient wind power? Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported that Rocky Mountain Power, the state’s largest utility company, announced the nearly 30% hike in rates due to rising costs. Residents responded with outrage. The cruel irony here is that inefficient wind farms aren’t just ugly. They require more electricity to power them. And where does that electricity come from? Fossil fuels. https://www.theblaze.com/columns/opinion/in-wyoming-cheap-electricity-is-gone-with-the-wind Feds bust 'high-end brothel' network frequented by politicians, military officers, gov't employees with security clearance: The Justice Department announced Wednesday that federal investigators busted a "high-end brothel" network the clientele of which included politicians, military officers, and other influential figures. At a press conference, federal prosecutors said they have arrested three people for allegedly running the sophisticated network: Han Lee, Junmyung Lee, and James Lee. The operators charged sex buyers between $350 to $600 per hour and forced clients to fork over personal information to purchase sex, including their full name, phone number, email address, employer, credit card information, driver's license photos, and even references. "They are doctors, they are lawyers, they are accountants, they are elected officials, they are executives of high tech companies and pharmaceutical companies, they are military officers, government contractors [with security clearances], professors, scientists," he said. It is not clear whether the clientele will face criminal charges, but the Homeland Security agent who wrote the affidavit believes there are "potentially hundreds of yet-to-be-identified customers."