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The question again is what will we be here to witness and experience???  Hopefully not much longer!  Still looking to the 17th thru the end of the month!  Also realizing that none of us is worthy in and of ourselves, but for Christ has made a way for us!  Not holding my breath just yet, but we are getting closer and closer!  Looking forward to that joy filled reunion in the sky!  Let it be so Lord!  TR

Patricia N.
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It Is A Time Of Desperation, And That Means Anything Is Possible:
By Hal Lindsey

In Japan, people scrambled to find shelter as a North Korean missile flew overhead. The nation issued a J-alert. Train service was suspended. Officials ordered residents in the northeastern part of the country to evacuate buildings and find bomb shelters. Both Japan and South Korea sit minutes away from almost all of North Korea’s large ballistic missile stockpile. But they’re not alone. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea also has intercontinental ballistic missiles that can reach most of the world, including the United States.

On October 4th, the Los Angeles Times ran an article with the headline, “North Korea’s latest missile test reminds the world of Asia’s powder keg.” The article said, “With the war in Ukraine and Russia’s threats to deploy tactical nuclear weapons, it was easy to lose sight of the rising danger North Korea poses.”

But with a threat like Russia, such an oversight is understandable. When the nation with the world’s largest stockpile of nuclear weapons, repeatedly threatens to use them, it’s hard not to put your focus there. It may feel good to see Ukraine’s success, but we also need to understand the danger their success creates. Putin’s army is falling apart. Men fearing the draft have been fleeing the country at an astounding rate.

An ever-growing number of Putin’s inner circle have met untimely deaths, suggesting that it’s dangerous even in private to question the Czar-like Putin. But on the battlefield, another kind of desperation has set in. It has become increasingly common to see white flags attached to Russian tanks, and Russian soldiers walking toward enemy lines with their hands raised.

Vladimir Putin is being deeply humiliated. That feels like justice, but it has created an almost unfathomable danger for every person in the world. The Daily Beast ran an October 4th article with the headline, “It’s Time to Brace for Putin’s Greatest Meltdown Yet.” They called him a “cornered animal,” and said, “The great unraveling of Russian President Vladimir Putin could be right around the corner. It won’t be pretty.”

As Russia’s leader is further weakened, he becomes more likely to lash out with the only thing Russia has that scares everyone else — his nukes. He’s looking for a way to stay in power, and maybe even to stay alive. It is a time of desperation, and that means anything is possible.

That same day, October 4, 2022, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) said it was purchasing $290 million worth of the drug Nplate, used “to save lives following radiological and nuclear emergencies.” Think about that. The United States is now stockpiling antiradiation drugs. What brought that on? One guess. Russia.

Vladimir Putin, a man who seems to be in poor health and showing increased mental instability, controls the world’s largest arsenal of nuclear weapons — larger even than that of the United States. In a televised September speech to the Russian people, Putin said he was not bluffing when he warned that he might use nuclear weapons against the West. He told them the very existence of Russia is now at stake in Ukraine. Since he said that, Russia’s strategic position in Ukraine has only grown more dire.

“Perilous times” have come, just as the Bible said they would. Stay close to the Lord in prayer and Bible reading. We must not despair, but walk in faith — getting the Gospel out in every way we can, for as long as we can.

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The hearts of men abound in evil and wickedness!   Just as in the days of Noah and Lot, prompting God to send death and destruction!  Though the sons of men have seen WWI and WW2 I doubt that the Bride will be here for WW3, but that's up to the Lord!  As world wars come from the hands of men and not God!  He is still our high tower and refuge, our hiding place!  Oh that I would be able to tell the church the day of our escape and calm all fears, but that knowledge is given to no one man!  Again, perhaps a universal understanding and calm resolve will invade each of our spririts!  TR

Todd Tomlinson
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From Hal Turner -- nationwide alert sent to all Russians -- what do they know that we don't?
Screen Shot 2022-10-12 at 12.41.49 PM

School children in every single city and town in Russia brought home official government notices today, telling families what to do in Civil Defense Emergencies like . . . radiation.

Poster boards are going up in mass-transit stations, at city halls, in shopping centers with the exact same message.


"Civil Defense
The procedure for the actions of the population on the go signal when at work.
The signal "ATTENTION TO ALL!"
Accompanied by the activation of sirens with intermittent beeps followed by verbal information about the signal GO
* upon hearing the SIGNAL, turn on your radio or television set and listen to the message about the situation and how to proceed
* pass on the information you receive to your neighbors
* Act according to the messages you have been given.
Ways you should notify ALL!!:
* Television
* loudspeakers
* sirens
* bell
*Howls from businesses and vehicles
*phone, text message
* mobile sound-amplifying installations
* Information board
*social networks
Actions of the population
(inscriptions on the signs)
- Turn off lights, gas, water, heaters
- Close windows and doors tightly
- Cover gaps around doors, vents with a wet cloth.
- use personal protective equipment.
- Take cover in the nearest protective structure, buried room or other premises of the underground space, including the subway.
- Report to the assembly area
- evacuate to a safe area.
* Return to your place of work
* Be prepared for a possible repeat of the civil defense "ATTENTION TO ALL" signal.""


Fair use for educational purposes only

Patricia N.
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Belarus Troop Border Build Up: Lukashenko Moves Towards Formally Joining Putin’s War in Ukraine:

In a potential move towards formally joining the war in Ukraine, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said on Monday that he has ordered troops to join Russian forces in a deployment near the border of Ukraine.

In a press conference from Minsk on Monday, Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko announced that he would be sending troops to the northern border of Ukraine in a joint deployment with the Russian military following a meeting with Vladimir Putin in St Petersburg over the weekend.

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Hal Turner says a lot of things that never come to pass so I sent that flyer to the gal who cuts my hair. She is from Kyiv and her husband is from Moscow. They have lots of family and friends in both places so I sent the flier to her and asked her to validate it. She sent it to family in Russia and they said that it was not true. They haven't seen anything like it and none of their children brought anything like it home. Hal likes to create controversy and is a sensationalist.

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Good job Yohanan! I was wondering......I thought if anything that the UN and the WEF are planning a false narrative and will tell people that there is radiation in the air from a nuke that was exploded above the country....that way they can make people terrified, stay home, wear masks again, and take a "radiation" pill that is an anticoagulant- makes blood convenient. I don't know if this is their plan but if we remain, I may buy a handheld geiger counter to see if they are lying.

Todd Tomlinson
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Good to know Yohanan -- Begley, MFATW, Hal, and so many others like to stir the pot with sensationalism.   Their predictions are about as good as weather forecasters here in the PNW.   The only career on the planet where you can be wrong every day and still keep your job.

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Yeah, these guys make a living feeding off of peoples fears. They take advantage of our lack of faith in the main stream media but they’ve cried “wolf” too many times.

Speaking of weather forecasting, I think I’ll go back to the ancient method of hanging a rock outside my window. If it’s wet, it’s raining. If it’s dry, it’s not raining. If it casts a shadow it’s sunny. If it’s moving it’s windy. Does a better job than these folk with their supercomputers and countless models that aren’t right. 😂🤣

Patricia N.
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Finland Preparing To Evacuate Citizens Along Russian Border Should War Arise:

As tensions remain high due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, the Finnish Defence Forces and others are preparing to evacuate residents along the Russian border in the event of a possible conflict.

The Finnish Defence Forces and other authorities may go as far as going door to door in the event of war to help evacuate those living along the border with Russia and gave a presentation on the issue in the eastern town of Lieksa this week.

If a war were to take place involving Russia and Finland, some have estimated that over a million people would have to evaluate westward from Eastern Finland.

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