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This vision happened March, 2021 ~

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Ken Bailey

I am reposting this video, that tells of a vision that I had, on May 29, 2021, that describes a bear on the attack, that turns into a tank. I am then shown that it is Putin.

In this vision, I am shown that America is now under judgment, and ceases to exist, in the future. At some point, true followers of Jesus are raptured to heaven. I am not shown the rapture in the vision, but I am made to know that it has taken place, early in the vision.

I am then shown World War III, which continues during the seven year tribulation. Nuclear weapons were used in the war. Later, I am taken in the spirit, up to heaven, where I see Jesus Christ coming back to the earth, just as it is written, in Revelation 19, in His second coming. He returns to the earth and ends the tribulation period, and the war that is at Armageddon.

The original title of this YouTube video is - My Supernatural Vision from God, of the Death of America and The Second Coming of Jesus Christ!!!

God has gained glory for Himself, by giving us this vision of Putin, on the attack, nine months before he attacks Ukraine. I am also shown that Russia will later be a part of a group that attacks Israel, in what the Bible calls the Gog Magog war.

God is warning everyone in the world, that the horrible, seven year tribulation is coming, where God will bring His wrath upon the earth.!

I love you all. Maranatha!!! Ken a servant of Jesus Christ

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Patricia N.
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How soon it must be!  He saw today's leaders--Putin, Kim Jong-un, Xi Jinping.  Medical experiments on babies.  Oh, some people will have a lot to answer for.  He said the vision lasted two hours.  I wonder if Biden is still in office when this begins.  I guess it is beginning now.  And in his vision, Jesus was returning just as the Bible said.

I wish he could tell us more!

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WOW!!!!! Amazing.. I'm ready for Jesus to come!! When he was explaining what Jesus looked like, I have a visual in my head. Smile Come Jesus. I'm ready for you! :flyup:
