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There are now 1 million Jewish followers of Jesus

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Patricia N.
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Studies reveal there are now 1 million followers of Jesus worldwide of Jewish descent:

JERUSALEM—A great spiritual awakening is underway in the Jewish community worldwide, but particularly in the United States.

It’s not being reported in the Jewish press.  Nor is much of the Christian media aware of it, or reporting on it.  Indeed, in many ways, this is the biggest untold story in the Jewish world.

The Holy Spirit began to move in great power across the United States in what became known by some as the “Jesus Movement” and by others as the “Jesus Revolution.”

A half-century later, there are now approximately one million Jews in the world today who believe that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, the Son of God, and the only way of forgiveness and salvation and have chosen to follow Him.

This is the largest number of Jewish believers in Jesus at any time since Jesus was born in Bethlehem, preached and performed miracles in the land of Israel, died on a cross and rose from the dead on the third day some 2,000 years ago.

The vast majority of these believers live in the United States.

In 1948, when the modern State of Israel was miraculously and prophetically reborn, there were only 23 known Jewish believers in Yeshua, according to Soref’s research.

It used to be that Jewish people who were curious to learn more about Jesus and whether He fulfills the prophecies written by the ancient Hebrew prophets would feel uncomfortable visiting a church to get their questions answered.  Many still are uncomfortable.

But with the advent of the internet – and more importantly, smartphones – Jews are able to search out answers to their questions in privacy and anonymity.

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Praise God!

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Thank God!!!!! Now it's time for Jesus to come!!!!! Please? :flyup:

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I believe the lion share of credit should be given to Aaron Budjen of Living God Ministries.

He has vast knowledge of Israeli history, Hebrew, Old Testament, talmud, economy, science....

I learned a lot from his teachings.

If you want to check it out,

While you are there, please, don't forget to check out his Radio Archive as well.
