The War on Normal
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The War on Normal

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Patricia N.
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Yes, it's not just Dr. Seuss, cartoons, whatever, now "normal" is going away.  I guess it just shows how abnormal our world is these days.

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Does this surprise anybody?  When the socialist opposition can deceitfully vote (manipulate data) themselves into office with their socialist agenda sticking straight in our faces,  they can gain all 3 branches of government, and then execute exactly what they promised they would ram down our throats?

Nothing here to see, move along, move along.  Incredible wickedness in the highest places!!!

Sitting sad and forlorned,


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Yep, everything has flipped and anything goes and is embraced - “Good is now called evil and evil is called good”. And pretty soon the earth’s polar magnetic fields will soon flip. Good Riddance to this world.

Vermont passed some more crazy laws to save this planet of the evils of “plastic”. Last year it was no more distribution of the plastic bags at the stores. You either have to pay for paper bags or buy cloth bags.

Now another law was passed starting this summer ... they want to put a deposit fee on plastic water bottles .. 10 cent each ... hoping this will stop the few people from littering the highways. I have to buy bottled water because I don’t like the taste of the town water. So I wait for the sale of 24 bottles for $3.33 ... yep they purposely mark it down in that sum so when you buy 2 cases its ... $6.66. They get some kick out of putting that number in our faces. Now add the bottle fee ... that’s an additional $2.40 on each case. And its very hard right now to return the soda/beer/wine/glass bottles/aluminum cans so lets add the plastic water bottles into the mix too. Only 2 places in town that will accept bottle returns and their machine is always out of service. So you have to drive 24 miles one way to redeem and get your deposit back ... I seriously doubt those who like to litter the roads will be doing that. If these law makers only knew the tribulation is near ... they are going to go ballistic when they see their environment of “green planet” go up in smoke. And when the drinking water turns to blood ... they won’t have to worry any more of the few people who litter their highways with plastic bottles ...

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Madness! I think of the “normal” label as average, typical, neither one extreme or another. For instance, I have oily skin and that is neither good nor bad, but I know that products for normal skin are too moisturizing for my skin. How can that be offensive to me? It’s just the way it is.

This has gotten so out of hand! Lord help us!

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another way to look at it is that "normal" is boring, so wouldn't you rather be different?  for people supposedly into diversity, i find it odd that so many would report that they are offended to not fall in the "normal" category for skincare...

i don't think anyone would've referred to Jesus as normal honestly, and i certainly don't think He ever tried to be more normal out of a feeling of exclusion  :wacko: :wacko:

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for people supposedly into diversity, i find it odd that so many would report that they are offended to not fall in the “normal” category for skincare…

Exactly! The hypocrisy and ludicrousness of these people is beyond reason!
