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I hope we are out of here before they start building that temple. The last temple wasn't destroyed until 70 AD which means they were still offering up sacrifices almost 40 years into the Church age. So maybe we shouldn't be surprised if they build it and start offering up sacrifices while we are still here.

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I believe they have already offered sacrifices on a makeshift altar.

Truly, we don't need to be here for any of the construction of the Temple.  Given all the beforehand preparations already in place, things would go fairly quickly.

But if they are given international support for such a Temple and/or a start date for it's construction, that's all we need!  I've always believed that the Temple would be rebuilt immediately starting after the Rapture.  Thinking the Rapture would be a trigger mechanism for it's rebuilding.

But it could be that the Temple's acceptance and green light for it's building could in fact be the trigger for the Rapture!  In either event, the Lord's timing will prevail.


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Hmmm ... interesting historic fact.

I’ve always looked at it this way ... the peace deal will be agreed upon ... church either leaves before the peace deal gets announced or immediately following “while they are saying peace and safety sudden destruction comes upon them ... not us”.  Then Biblical wars unfold ... then AC gives the a-ok for the Jews to build their temple.

Exciting times no matter how it unfolds ... :popcorn

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Indeed promising events seem to be looming on the near horizon.  The congruence of world events and politics as well as time continuing to march forward, bodes well for an anxious Bride!

Again, having been there before, I still maintain that waiting for a divine disclosure is the wisest way to go!  I want my excitement level to match and be in sync for when the Rapture actually happens!  Kinda like when anticipation meets fulfillment.





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TR first off thank you for your heart felt prayer for my daughter and granddaughter, it is a trial for sure, evil is at work, but God will see them through.

Next, Geri, the sacrifice was held on Dec 12, 2018 - the 70th year return and if we continue to mirror Ezra, the foundation of the third temple must be laid by the second month of the second year after the return - that’s approximately September/October 2019.

The birth pains are indeed increasing, we have had a minimum of three earthquakes a day for 32 days now at 5.0 or greater. There are more but this is the first time this is a daily event, times 32 days and that many. The earth is groaning, the birth pains are increasing in strength, number, and consistency. That typically means the baby is soon to be born. No going back once hard labor begins.

Dare I say the convergence is aligning so amazingly closer with signs and wonders that only God could manage to such perfection. As Jan Markell says, “things are not falling apart, they are falling together.”

Yohanan - truly we should be VERY vigilant as our time is extremely and awesomely SHORT! :yahoo: :prayer-hands: :flyup:

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No epidural Lord, let's get it on!


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Did you see this?    Africa is now connected and can watch the 2 witnesses and other prophetic events when the tribulation starts ...


Israel successfully launches “Amos 17” satellite to bring television, internet, phone, and other digital services to Africa 


Emily Jones

JERUSALEM, Israel - Israel is helping Africa connect to the rest of the world thanks to a new satellite soaring into space.

Israel's Spacecom successfully launched "Amos-17", a state-of-art satellite on a mission to provide communication services to Africa, into orbit from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Tuesday night.

Amos-17 blasted towards Africa at 7:23 p.m. ET aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch craft and is headed for the continent of Africa.

Once there, Amos-17 will give Africans access to television, internet, phone, and other digital services.

Although Africa has the fastest-growing population on the planet, the continent suffers from a lack of internet.

Spacecom CEO and president David Pollack hopes that changes.

“AMOS-17 places us directly into the exciting growth of Africa's Sub-Saharan vibrant markets," Pollack said in a statement after the launch.

"As a leading multi-regional satellite operator, Spacecom is introducing the most technologically advanced satellite with HTS beams to service Africa where AMOS-17 will deliver a large selection of services to a variety of broadcast, broadband and telecom clients."

Amos-17 will conduct a series of orbit tests before beginning operation and is expected to stay over Africa for 20 years.

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin congratulated the scientists on the mission.

"A proud morning, with the news of the successful launch of the Amos 17 satellite. Thank you and congratulations to our friends at @AMOSSpacecom and @SpaceX for their important work on behalf of the State of Israel," he tweeted.

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Gotta have ALL the continents in on the AC's Mark of the Beast! Its very kind of Israel to do this for Africa. 😉

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Indeed every jot and tittle of God's word will be fulfilled!  No detail forgotten, no prophecy left  unfulfilled, no heart left unspoken for by the Lord!

What a mighty God we serve!


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