Good observation, T.R. :good: Yep, looks like he received footwear as well. :yes: Now I wonder what kind of ring? Can you imagine the perfect cut diamond with no flaws or our favorite gemstone? :whistle: Oh ... and what did they eat in celebration at the banquet? Slimy Fish? No siree ... it was the best cattle from his organic farm!! Filet Mignon B-) Luke 15:22 “But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet:” 23 And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry: As broken as we men are one beloved is never enough! But with God being as perfect and glorious as He is, He is more than enough! TR I am looking forward to some things as part of the bride of Christ. First, I am looking forward to seeing Jesus' face and hearing His voice. This has been a longing in my heart for a long time to finally see the One who understands everything in my heart without me having to speak AND loves me anyway! Second, I am looking forward to being separated from my sinful nature. It has been and will continue to be an exhausting daily fight between my two natures. I will rejoice when that burden is removed from my eternity. Third, I am looking forward to being able to serve with a new and glorified body that is free from pain and deterioration. As I have aged it has gotten harder and harder to do things effectively due to chronic illness. I cannot even imagine the feeling of true health and vitality that we will have; yet I long for it with a deep yearning because this shell is falling to pieces! Fourth, I am hoping to see and enjoy God's library! My favorite hobby apart from singing is reading/research. This may seem silly to some, but I have a childish hope to be able to "pop in" and check out books/scrolls from His library. I imagine picking out a book to read to the children in the millennium about different events in history recorded as they actually happened... incredible!
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