Interesting studies on the coming rapture on YouTube/ The Return of the King/Rapture 2022 The return of the King on youtube has several videos and he points to June 15, 2022 as a high watch date. I think one of his videos said Sep of 2022, but most are big on June 15, 2022 In today's evil global agenda of rebellion and madness against God's righteousness, .. we are sooooooooo desiring our Lord to snatch us outta here ~~ YES . . Jesus is returning to remove all evil. Cling to Christ's promises of His return as King of kings to rule and reign ~ Thank God ~ In four days we shall see if his research was correct or not. I hope so, but we'll see. the photo with the staircase is amazing. I am imagining myself walking up. Interesting that June 15th is on a Wednesday, the day of Galilean weddings. June rapture - I really hope so. I know many watchers have been at this a lot longer than me (I started watching back around 1997) but I am starting to feel like Charlie Brown trying to kick that football! Will it ever happen?!?! I love Charlie Brown. Poor kid!