I think she makes some good arguments. I have heard the "falling away" taught as the rapture, and as falling away from faith in Christ. My question about Daniel 9:27 has always been about the first part, who are the many? Is it the AC making a covenant as a leader in Israel with the rest of the nations? Or is it the AC making a covenant with Israel? It is looking to me like the Abraham Accords will be made greater and include more nations which will all agree to the Noahide laws and peace with Israel while Israel also gets their temple and resumes Mosaic law. The Restrainer - A Who Or A What? Part Two (Apostasia) Heather R Streamed live 75 minutes ago “Fair Use For Education and Discussion Purposes” Loz :] 2 Thessalonians 2:3 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; The son of perdition does not get revealed until the abomination of desolation declaring himself God, prior to that Israel is happy in having a temple and being able to correctly follow Mosaic Law thinking the AC is the Messiah. I agree with Heather, she explains it very well using scripture. If anyone has not watched/listened to it, I would encourage you to do so to see where she is coming from. So what does this all mean in the light of the imminent Rapture ? Heather thinks we have a few more years left, so we need to keep on studying. She is just educating us. I saw in the comments of the first video above that she thinks the rapture is in the 2023-2025 window. I haven't kept up with all of her work, but I think in her study of the Jubilees she came up with the time. She thinks the temple is built in a Jubilee year. I hope she is wrong on the year! Im thinking that first of all, the dominos are ready to fall. The WEF or the globalists are not prepared to wait another couple of years and that would put us outside of the fig tree generation and I believe Jesus used His words intentionally so that the season would be well known- Im all in for 2021, here’s to hoping for a sooner than latter Rapture! I looked at the comments again. She thinks the measuring of the temple and first day of the tribulation are on Nisan 10 in 2023-2025 window. Not saying when the rapture is, just we will be gone by then. Anyone want to look up when Nisan 10 is this year on all the various calendars? Interesting - March 23rd, 2021 is Nisan 10 this year. Which seems to coincide with that 3rd week of March date that keeps floating around out there. Nothing has changed, we will still be Raptured, Caught Up, Harpazoed. :flyup: God has appointed the Rapture to take place at His pleasure, just like the Tribulation, Second Coming, etc, etc. :yes:
King James Version