Not naming the AC, but I get this feeling that some future pope might become the AC. We see from prophecy a future ten nation confederacy and a man taking control of them and the whole world. We see the AC as some future mystery man, but could there be an elephant in the room? False prophet?! Supposedly he was to retire! Putin supposedly is dying! Not much in the way of world leaders today, just despots! Maybe an ayatollah! But many have long believed a political guru as the AC! In any event, we won't be here to worry about him! Yet there is much speculation and conjecture which abounds about future events! I just am not that curious or fascinated by events that I will escape! Again, I don't want to spend too much time in trying to beat a dead horse! All that God has planned will occur. I am reminded that when Jesus prophesied the second temples destruction he was silent about the exact timing! So too with yet so many future events! My hope is in the Blessed Hope of righteous men, not about being right prophetically! Fun I guess to offer opinions, but as they say, opinions are like belly buttons, everyone got one! TR I would vote for the pope becoming the lead persona of the False Prophet position. While most catholic church members are good, albeit deluded and or deceived, the RCC leadership is demonic. Demonic indeed, brother! Their secret sins and blasphemies have yet to be all disclosed! Many I am given to understand are into satan worship secretly! And they still have not stopped the culture of sexual activities! TR
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October 24, 2022 3:23 pm
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