The Way: My poem may have had the same time stamp, but it was returned to me due to "Insufficient Postage". They said that since I was humbly irrelevant, that I should not get "enveloped" in any thing of relevance and to be humbly happy because I am "letter" off without it. 😉 I hope your dream and Mark Murchison's dream both come true on Christmas Eve/Day. I am still praying for sooner though since I've been ready to leave this unforgiving and evil world for over 3 decades now. :flyup: Humbly Indeed Christmas has always been a no brainer for me! Again overshadowing the whole of mankind! Curious to see which avenue the Lord will choose!? TR TR: Jesus won't choose an "avenue" -- He'll choose The Way! Just FYI, I always appreciate your, and Dan's, witty responses using common phrases and words in hilarious fashion. Keep on keeping on my friends! Humbly I expect that the night before the Rapture would be a time of final farewells! A releasing of all Earthly ties! TR
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