Truly our end is in sight! We have watched, we have prayed. Now we look scanning the heavens! The bridegroom of man looks to the Father awaiting His nod! His nod of approval and release. His joy and anticipation also mounts! His work and preparation is complete! His reward awaits! Let the time of gathering begin! TR First thing I did this morning was looked at Ritan to make sure I wasn't left behind. Another high watch date passed which means we're another day closer! This quickening of our spirits is indeed timely and God inspired! TR Again this may be the "high" sign I have alluded to?! TR Yes Lord, continue to quicken our spiritual understanding, and assure our hearts with each days passing! For those that love you Lord, and continue to be steadfast, with each days passing may our heavenly rewards be increased. Let us all hold on to the very end! As He continues to burn away the dross in our lives. All to His glory! TR Indeed a spiritual quickening brought by the Holy Spirit! As he instructs and leads us into all truth. Having the Holy Spirit, He has not forsaken us! But rather instructs us to hear his still small voice and be taught by Him. TR
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June 22, 2020 4:16 am
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June 22, 2020 5:38 am
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