The DNA Altering Ch...
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The DNA Altering Chip...Coming Soon to a Tribulation Near You

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To be fair, her dream seemed to focus on demonic entities and Tribulation events.

Though disjointed in it's presentation and the amount of earthly time she viewed was not clear.

Monsters that a child her age could relate to and familiar with was how God communicated certain aspects!

Again, very specific at times and with certain people, while vague with other details!

If God were trying to communicate something specific, much didn't seem to flow.  And why would He pick a young Indonesian girl of her age lacking articulation?!

No mention of any sense of being good or bad either while in "space" or on Earth!


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When I watched it, yes it seemed "coached"  by the mom? Sadly, there are many people that are taking it all in and believing it. I'm glad to hear all your input on it to sum up exactly what I was thinking while watching it. It confirms Im in the right place among believers :good:

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I had a brain fart...

1 John 4:1-2 KJVS
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. [2] Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God:


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She said her mom reads the Bible to her at bedtime every night. Maybe mom is reading Revelation and this was her dream after? Regardless, I am in agreement with you, no mention of Jesus Christ anywhere in her dream...

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I personally think Catherine’s dreams/vision were from a mod podge of various sources and didn’t directly come from the Lord.  She probably asks a lot of questions of what’s going on in the world as her parents watch tv or seeing headlines news from the internet and she reads a lot of books.  She mentions Harry Potter so why is she so familiar with those type of books?  Her mother covers up the Oct 10th date by saying Catherine wasn’t given the year so if today’s date comes and goes and no rapture ... it could be next year. B-)  Yet there will be contradictions because she said this happens while in 4th grade and she wouldn’t be in 4th grade next year plus she saw Donald Trump become elected.  Unless the presidential elections get pushed out to next year because of some calamities? :unsure:


Here is the transcript ...

My name is Catherine, I am from Indonesia, I am in 4th grade. On 18/9/2020 at night, before going to sleep, I heard God say, “On October 10, there will be a big disaster.” I know it is the voice of God, the voice is very soft and pleasant. That very night, I had a very, very long dream. It was the 4th time I had the same dream. The first dream happened about 1-2 months ago, and it was just short. I didn't understand what it meant. After a few days or weeks later, I had a second dream, which was a repetition of the first dream, plus many other things I saw in that dream. After a few days or weeks later, I had a third dream, which was exactly the same as the second dream. All these dreams just came without me asking. But then, because in every dream there was the first dream that was repeated without my understanding its meaning, I prayed that God would give me the same dream again. Hopefully, finally I can understand the meaning. And that night, on 18/9/2020, God gave the fourth dream, which was the same as the third dream, and there were other things that were shown. The dreams were as follows: I was lying on the bed with my sister while my mother read us the Bible as she usually does at night. But it wasn't night. Suddenly there was a large, dark blue microchip, which flew into the room through the open window, flew very close across our faces, continued through the bedroom door, out into the dining room and landed on the dining table, making a hollow where it landed. Then our front door opened, and there were Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci and 3 guards at the door. One of them said, “Well, well, well, there are people here, we have to vaccinate them.” (first dream ended here) In dreams 2-4, the dream continued as follows: When they wanted to vaccinate us, all of a sudden we were raptured very quickly. I heard them say, "We should have vaccinated them earlier!" It was New Years. There was a lot of food on the table. I was in a zoom class and I heard my teacher say, “4th graders are making lines here”, so I was still in grade 4. I was eating cake when I heard the shofar sounded very loud and long. And in the blink of an eye, we were raptured. When the rapture occurred, I saw my cake fell to the floor.When we were raptured, we could see the tallest buildings, we were crossing the cloud layers in the sky, and we saw God in space. God's face was so bright, I couldn't see His face, but I knew He was smiling. God said, “You are here at the first rapture”. I also saw millions of angels and millions of people. We could see our guardian angels too, their number is the same as the number of humans. The angels were very handsome and tall. We were all very happy and speechless. When we got to space, our clothes changed to white overalls. We were no longer in family ties. Everyone was called by their real names. Older people looked younger. A very small one, looked a little bigger. The fat one became slimmer, the too-thin one became fuller. Everyone looked prettier. After that, we saw what was happening on earth. Before the rapture, no major disaster had happened yet, everything was normal. But after the rapture, bad things happened on earth. When we were raptured, I saw many people from various countries were also raptured. The shofar continued sounding as people were raptured. As soon as the rapture was done, the shofar stopped sounding, but immediately was followed by thunders. The sound was very loud, perhaps 20x louder than usual. Lightning struck vehicles. Power outages in various cities. Airplanes crashed because the pilots and co-pilots were raptured. Several passengers were also raptured. Then it rained. It started out small, but got heavier, and lasted for weeks. Then came the flood that was the biggest that I had ever seen, At that time, only a few of the houses were visible, and of these houses only a few parts were visible. The wind was blowing hard. I saw my doll floated in the flood outside the building where we live (we live on the 11th floor). After that there was an earthquake. I saw the building where we live, some of the lower floors were destroyed, so that the upper part of the building went down, becoming shorter. Several tall buildings were broken in the middle. The bottom shifted and the top fell down. After that, the tsunami came. On seeing the tsunami approaching, several people jumped from our residential building into the floodwater below. After the tsunami, I didn’t see any houses anymore. My school couldn't be seen as well. The building where we live, which consists of 26 floors, only showed the roof and the antennas above it. I saw a tree stranded on the roof. Tsunamis hit various places around the world. Then there was hail, with chunks of ice as big as a windshield. Other countries experienced it first, then Indonesia. The hail caused the flood water level to get even higher. I saw very large sharks in the floodwater, preying on humans floating on the water. I also saw jellyfish stinging people. When they stung, the sting was more painful than before.

From the sky, we followed the Lord ascended to heaven. The gates of heaven were white or gold, and the roads were made of gold. While in heaven, we fought against Satan using verses from God's Word. The more we said the Scriptures, the more Satan was pushed down. After Satan fell, we went down to space to look at the earth again. I saw President Donald Trump elected as the last President of America. There had been several nuclear bombs exploded in America. I watched Bill Gates go to schools all over the world and vaccinate some children. Several other children ran away. The microchips were given together with the vaccines. I saw the news about UFOs, alien’s abductions, and Christians who committed suicide, to cover the story of the rapture. This news was only for the people who had microchip implants, because only they could read the news, because they could activate their cell phone just by tapping the area near their wrist and the cell phone would appear in the air. No electricity needed. People who didn’t have microchip implants couldn't read the news, because they didn't have cell phones anymore, or they couldn't use their cell phones anymore, because they were on the run and there was no electricity. Slowly, the skin of the people who were vaccinated changed to green, red, blue, yellow or deep black, which is a strange color that is not the color of human skin. Their arms got longer and they went crazy. They became zombies and wanted to kill and eat humans. They were controlled by remote controls. When the person controlling them wanted to make the zombie jump, they pressed a button and the zombie jumped. I saw a type of disease, which was sores, looked like chicken pox, only bigger. Anyone who had microchip implant would end up having sores all over their body, which could break and bleed. I saw a photo of the President of France, Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci holding a frame containing the image of “One Eye”. I saw that the Eiffel Tower was gone. There was a tube built in Europe, by Europeans, to take humans to space. The size at the bottom was bigger, and as it went up the size got smaller, like a stacked tart. It worked like an elevator. Someone tried it, but only half way through, the plate on which the person was standing turned upside down and the person fell to the earth again. When I knocked on the wall, it sounded like plastic. The tube reached the sun, but the tip was burned. Then the Lord's hand took the middle part, and each part of the tube fell into the one underneath, and so on to the bottom. The burnt tip, which fell to the earth, caused the entire tube to catch fire and sparked fires in Europe. The tube was a failed project. I saw flying cars shooting bombs at people who weren't using microchips. These cars were driverless. They were controlled from the central control. I saw 2 Pastors in Jerusalem. They preached outdoor. I saw a big war going on there. The temple in Jerusalem was just half finished. I saw the earth was red because it was so hot. It seemed that the sun was very close to the earth, as well as the Planet Neptune. Earth was very windy. Several stars as big as a mountain, fell to the earth. Many stars fell to earth, causing death. I saw hurricanes, tornadoes, landslides, and hail with chunks of ice as big as car windshields. Then I saw, at the earth's sky, there was a creature similar to the one in the Harry Potter film. Shaped like an octopus, his name was Ariel. When he appeared, all Harry Potter lovers were overjoyed. They took to the streets and performed magic. Then things started to happen. Several other creatures in Harry Potter stories emerged from their wands became creatures in real life, and then started killing humans. I saw the President of France standing on a building, and he too was a Harry Potter lover. He also did magic. Ariel then disappeared, but her shadow remained, and suddenly turned into Lucifer. Lucifer looked very tall, ugly, terrible and had large black wings. I also saw many dragons in the sky. There were many kinds. Some of them were similar to the ones I had seen in movies. They spouted fireballs from inside their mouths. They looked very terrifying, and their eyes were bright red. On land I saw dwarves. Some looked cute, but some were not. They frightened humans and bit their toes, fingers and ears off. I also saw Minions and monsters from the movie Monster Inc. Everything came alive and real. I saw wild forest animals such as tigers, cheetahs, and many more, entered the city and preyed on humans. The birds in the air preyed on the corpses. There were giant bee-like insects, with a sting that was more than 1 meter long, stinging humans. it was very difficult to run from them because the sting was very long. I saw people who were in hiding, they ate scorpions. i saw, in the sea appear creatures. The seaweed turned into creatures that I had never seen before. Some looked like unicorns and mermaids. The mermaids looked really ugly. Everything was alive and real. They went ashore and killed humans. I saw there was a big hole in the middle of the sea, and sea water was going in from its sides. I saw ships in the sea burning. I saw the Bermuda Triangle. There was a triangular, brown, wooden gate, appeared in the Bermuda Triangle. The gate opened by itself, and out of it came planes, boats, ships, and people. But those people didn’t look like humans anymore. They looked like people with microchip implants, that is, like zombies, but their skin didn't change color. They also killed humans. After that, the gate closed again by itself. During one of the times when I was seeing events on earth, I felt I was looking at the events on October 10, where God said there would be a big disaster, because at that time, suddenly the bad things got worse. For example, the disasters and the dwarves suddenly became more. I saw specks of light on earth, which turned out to be Christians. They were shrouded in light. When they were together, the light got bigger. When they parted, the light got smaller. Their condition was much better than those who were not shrouded by lights. Christians were protected from attacks by any spiritual beings, such as dwarves, sea-creatures, monsters, and zombies. When these beings met Christians who were shrouded by light, they just passed by. At one point, I saw all of those specks of light suddenly disappeared. But then new specks of light appeared, but lesser than before. (dreams 2 & 3 ended here) In dream 4, the dream continued as follows: After that, we went up to heaven again. In heaven there was a feast. The table was very long and the Lord sat in the middle. Plenty of food provided and all was very tasty. Even the fruit I didn’t like while on earth, in heaven, was delicious. In heaven, there was no one speck of evil. We could only remember everyone’s kindness. I saw angels singing while strumming harps. In heaven, I saw my house, prettier than any house I had seen on earth. (4th dream ended here)

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