The Dinosaurs ... w...
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The Dinosaurs ... will they make a comeback?

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What are your thoughts about the Dinosaurs ... do you think they will be in the Millennium Kingdom since people will be living longer lives again and chances are the climate will be warm tropical conditions like before the flood?

Could the Geckos and Salamanders, etc. keep growing and morph into big creatures?

Or were the Dinosaurs a special species that God created?

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David W. Roche
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Sorry I'm in a rush, but these are some articles on what God says He created.  I don't know if they're coming back.

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I have lived and survived my whole life without benefit of a dinosaur!  Why would men need them?

Please understand that any love affair that men have with dinosaurs is IMHO simply a cataylist for worshiping creatures rather than the creator!  Dinosaurs or any long gone creature holds not one iota of interest or fascination for me personally.

No coffee, no cat food, no dinosaurs. :negative:


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I agree ... I don’t see what the wishful attraction is to have dinosaurs return.  I lost contact with this one believer who was urging me to join their group for Dino rides in the Millennium.  I said we are going to have our very own horses, isn’t that good enough?   I think I rather go on that scary looking rollercoaster ride Chelle likes and have my flip flops fall off vs. being near a Dino!

Here in upstate Vermont there is a huge lake called Lake Champlain and they claim a good size sea monster lives out in the waters ... they call him Champy.  My brother has a sail boat and I just refuse to go sailing out in that lake!

LOL ... I agree ... no coffee, no dinos and no cat food (I’m assuming you’re referring to the road kill food served at Chinese restaurants)?  Oh ... and a Big no to fish!  :negative:

Shall I get started on the nasty veggies?  A Big no to steamed broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage!  The fumes out of those veggies are pure hell.  I always had to play musical chairs in restaurants because, without fail, someone behind me would order a plate full of broccoli! :negative:

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LOL Geri7.  How about brussel sprouts?

Actually certain vegetables aren't bad.  But some could easily say that if you end up in a place that serves only vegetables, you might be in the wrong place.  Ask any kid.  Out of the mouth of babes, as they say!

Given crocs and comodo dragons, I'm just not impressed with dino's.

But everyone who supports the theory of evolution and ancient age Earth, just keep pushing dino's down our throats.  Why?

I am just as equally tired of the wonders of the shark.  Sadly in the wild, most of the animal kingdom is actually very brutal!  Disgustingly so.


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Let us remember that according to God, Adam and Eve did not have belly buttons!  They were created as full grown humans, exerting the appearance of age.  Just as like the rest of creation.  Either birds of the air, fish in the deep, or mountain ranges.  Then laws of physics were established to continue the cycle of creation.

Evolutionists and scientists can point to the processes of aging, but will always discount the primary and singular actions of God's creation!  How droll and expediently wrong!


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I haven’t had an encounter with the Brussel Sprout family.  Perhaps its  more of a southern, midwestern or western dish?  I had to google it to see what it looked like.  If they throw off strong fumes when cooked ... then, oh yeah, its a given ... they will be added to the list....

David W. Roche
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Admittedly, none of this is provable.  Some ancient references say that the angels sinned against the animals, and perhaps some of the creatures that existed were perversions of God's original creation.

Naturally (pun intended), none of this would be considered or accepted by those who adhere to evolution.  They also dismiss the book of Genesis, so that is no surprise.

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Yeah ... then it leads to Greek Mythological creatures like Centauo.

I saw some articles where mad scientists are in their labs recreating such crazy looking creatures again mixing man and animal DNA ... just like in the days of Noah.

I think this passage is telling us something ... it went from God calling everything He made “good” in Genesis 1 to this  passage where it grieved Him.

Genesis 6

5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

6 And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

7 And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.


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Which again brings me back to my personal mantra.  Hate what God hates, love what god loves!

I wonder if God hates brussel sprouts? Tee, hee, hee!  I'm baaaad!


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