The crescendo of th...
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The crescendo of the candles...

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The crescendo of the candles speaks of course to the Jewish Menorah.  The menorah is a memorial to the seven Feast Days of the Lord!

The first three Feast days were fulfilled by Christ at His first coming.  And the last three Feast days to be fulfilled at His second coming.

Using the menorah as a visual aid, we see the middle candle prominently stands alone.  Lifted above all others.  Seemingly speaks of a climactic ascencion.  Followed by a descending pattern.

As such, Pentecost is the pinnacle of God's aspirations.  For in this Feast was the Church or Bride of Christ birthed.  Men being born again of the Spirit!

Could this also be highlighting the Feast which accommodates the Rapture?!  If so, then we see with removal of the restrainer, a pattern of descent for all of mankind then emerges.

Great apostacy and whoredoms then  visiting the Earth.

And with our meeting of the Lord in the air, again Pentecost or the middle candle features the Church on high ground! Truly the Jewish menorah as a simple visual aide speaks to this heavenly truth!  Or so it seems to me.


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Can't wait to see who ends up with bragging rights, having picked that day!

I will gladly acknowledge whoever's is right and give appropriate kudo's!


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We shall soon see if Pentecost is our day!

Again the Lord may tarry only to confirm in our hearts His judgments will be righteous and true!

Continuing to imprint His Beloved, ever exposing His love and grace for her.  While exposing the hearts of evil men, and the great divide between them and God Almighty!

Eternal light, or outer darkness.  For there is no fence sitting between to accommodate indecision or procrastination!

He is the light of the world, and we reflect His light, or not!  Children of the light and the day, we shall not be taken by surprise!

Even the smallest of light exposeth much darkness!



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Either the ever growing light of the Holy Spirits seal, or the luminescence of quantum dot branding.

Each will bring into the light spiritual realities!


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I was out and about today and was just thinking about the timing of the rapture.  I hope it happens in 4 more days on Pentecost  ... but as I was observing people ... they are still walking around in fear with their masks on and more places are now requiring a face covering.   So I started thinking perhaps the “peace and safety” will NOT be the Middle East peace deal announcement ... but when they announce the vaccine is ready to be rolled-out?   Because when I leave the stores the cashiers have replaced their slogan “have a good day” to “be safe”.   And as I re-read this passage in I Thess 5 we are warned to stay alert and sober ... not like the unsaved who will be drunk.  So is it a clue the unsaved will be partying and getting drunk from celebrating because they are putting their trust into this vaccine to cure the problem and thinking things will finally go back to “normal” ... “finally peace and safety” and BAM ... sudden destruction comes.  So then I’m now pondering is the sudden destruction ... thee rapture event?   Or is the church long gone and the sudden destruction is something else? :unsure:


1 Thessalonians 5
But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.

For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.

But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.


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Oh ... here’s another thought could the sudden destruction be ... once those willingly take the mandatory Gates’ vaccine ... then they turn on the 5G network and it harms many?  Will that be the sudden destruction?  But the church is long gone before this roll-out even begins?  :unsure:

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Indeed, the sudden destruction could entail the woes the Rapture will bring!  Ushering in the final 7 yrs!  TR

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I think that with the missing will come panic, looking to someone with the answer, Chaos could be a huge driver for collapse of economic and societal structures. A lot of miss information will be spread as we have seen. Someone will step up to say “here’s what happened ....lies, lies, lies.... this is what will insure it won’t happen to you ....lies, lies, and more lies! Delusion abounds amidst the world wide confusion. Just my thoughts and opinion. So glad we are out of here.

You know that they are launching Space Force on Saturday (delayed due to weather)  - hoping to wave at them as we go up beside them with out a ship :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :prayer-hands:

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I know there are many ways to calculate it, but 50 days from Passover, Apr. 8, is today, May 28.

The Sunday version is a Christianized version, and is 53 days from PO.

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Thanks!  TR

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