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The Beast Government Forms August 2019 Seven Heads and Ten Horns : Officially!!

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Well I'd never have gotten started down that line of thinking at all if it weren't for your inspirational input back in 2013... Oh what a journey...

And you've been watching my YouTube videos in secret without letting me know you were there!!! Yeah, I think the next big eclipse over the USA is the Revelation15 sign  as absolutely every planet is on the opposite side of the Sun...

Can't wait to hear what you've found to add to it all!!

And do you really supply Luis Vega with material?? B-)


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humblehorse-- I can't tell you how many times I wanted to try and contact you and others by email but there was no email on the website that I could  use-although you did have an old email address which I did use but I did not get any reply!  Yes I have been your secret admirerer--you have such a great ministry  on the youtube with your honest and heart seeking contritness--you wear your heart on your British Invasion Coattail!

Yes I have been sending some of my chart material to good old Luis  and little do people know I had  my  sights on the Second Revelation 12 Red Dragon sign which no one knew that was in the sky on the same day as the Great Total Eclipse  on August 21, 2017!

I  would love to send those charts to anyone interested-but I need  an email address!!

Humblehorse and everybody  listen very carefully!  This  next Great Sign in 2024  is  a fulfillment of the description of John's Vision in Revelaion 1!!!   I have proof beyond a shadow of a doubt--I just need a few more days to get my charts together--you will all be blown away!  It will never happen again in another many years-the alignment that is!!  I hope when I get the charts out that you my friend will do your own video and see what you come up with but as far as I know nobody has   seen this Revelation 15 sign as the fulfillment of John's Vision in Revelation 1--But  they have some of the parts in the right place -they only need to get the full picture!!



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Oooh! I had the Dragon  sign on Nov 21st 2017 or Dec 17th - 18th 2017 as on both those days there were 5 celestial bodies that joined the tail of Serpens...  7 stars in the head of Serpens, 10 stars in Coronna Borrealis, and 10 in the tail... Surely the sign of the dragon couldn't come before the woman could it??

What did you see on 21st August??


NB: I got burgled, and my old email address went with my  computer that they stole....

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Humblehorse--I had Luis Vegas  make charts for me of the new Red Dragon sign that was in the sky on the great eclipse day-- the planet positions helped form a few of the crown stars in  the sickle of Leo!!

You know how all authority comes from the Lion of Judah even earthly and heavenly authority-well  the Hydra Serpent Head  constellation on that day  as always  was  under the foot of the Lion of Judah but on that total eclipse day the Sun was darkened out  and the Star regulus was visible along with the 6 other  stars in the sickle crown plus the  red Mars planet with a total of seven crowned stars; then the  main head and the neck of the Hydra constellation has seven stars for the crown above it in Leo; then as you move down along the body it has 10 main stars for the rest of its length;  It is a part of the Serpent sign of the Red Dragon-- I will email to Ritan  the three charts that I have  on this and other  alignments on that day--I know this sign was in the sky before the woman sign on September 23, 2017--- But I do think that it is possible that the two signs together were listed in the scripture --not in chronological  order but in order of  importance since both were in such close proximity.

To tell you the truth Humlehorse there were like several good  candidates out there for this Red Dragon sign that I think they all qualify as  intrical parts of the same sign just different aspects of this Revelation 12  second sign--But I think your research and video is the best candidate and also this other  event on September and October 2018 of the tail of the comet 21P I think? That went past the earth which was the source of the draconid meteor shower -from the Draco constellation-I have a new chart  on this event and the  various aspects of this sign in the heavens--we can't forget the Red dragon  anonoly that was at the feet of Virgo in infrared which Luis had done much research on --it was directly in the  position as Jupiter the manchild  was birthed between the legs of Virgo in the fall of 2017---I  thought it was a spectacular  sign when the planet Jupiter and Venus came into conjunction in November 2017  as this was  very fitting for the Manchild to come out of the womb  and be joined with the head of the morning star Venus -as to typlify the completion of the body of Christ with  its Head being Christ in Heaven!!

Now we are in the stage where the Manchild is in the ascending mode  in the heavens  and is going into retrograde after a second  union with Venus earlier this year!! Is it time for the Manchild soon to be caught up into the  throng of Heaven-- maybe someone can do some stellarium research and see if Jupiter  is headed backwards  away from being devoured by the beast Sagitarrius with Satan or Saturn in that constellation--- in literature or greek mythology   Jupiter excaped the devouring of  Saturn after being born!!

Humblehorse  if you have an email address I would be glad to send you my  new  crude charts and my older  charts on the Dragon sign which Luis Vegas did for me--

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It's Nisan 10!!!! A lot of changes happen on Nisan 10!!!!


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Thanks Humblehorse--now I feel connected!!!  God I love you people---I seem to feel like all this stuff happening to me up to now  has started to  make a sharp turn toward the finnishing up phase of our existance -- this past year and the start of this year 2019 was the worst  times in my christian  life-it seemed-- March was beginning to be  the bottom of the barrel-- then Ritan came along and other things started to click  with the sign coming together---now it appears that we may be witnessing the final act of this tragic play on earth --I sure pray for the curtain to fall soon and  that we exit stage right--- I really like your british accent  Humblehorse-its like  talking to a live Beatle member!! But not like now--can you type in British?  How do the British type--- is it with a bunch of hyphons or semicolons--

I guess if someone has an operation on their intestine to remove a section- they end up with a SEMI-COLON!!  -- How bout the song by the Culture Club--Comma, Comma, Comma calmelian! Hee hee! I won't make a pun  about the Period--I won't go there!  I am a gentleman and discrete-but a little twisted!

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Humblehorse, it is great to have you back.

I won't repeat what I posted on another thread but here is a summary: when I heard about the solar eclipse happening 7 years apart and marking an X over the US. I knew it meant judgment. I did research on mystery Babylon and am convinced it is the US. Rev 17/18 happens mid tribulation so I think Aug 2024 is roughly mid tribulation.

too many things are converging.

Amir Tsarfati is coming to Toronto in May and he said that he has some mind blowing information for us. ( I think these were his words)


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I just had to comment after reading this thread cuz it gave me the rapture goosebumps!!!  Plus, it’s soooooo awesome seeing the old crew of Ritan back and discussing prophetic events and timing!!!

I am personally keeping my rapture radar up closer to Pentecost as well as Resurrection day this Spring! Has always been one of several periods that point to our King’s Return!



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Cherished I think this is why we were all brought back together again --now there will be no vacancies at the  suppler of the Lamb  once all the  raptured folks get situated around the ballroom   table!   Now the gold  placards can be printed with each of the members names on them!!!  Roll Call!!

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Don't forget me guys!  My ticket is bought and paid for, just waiting for boarding instructions.  I am also excited to see RITAN revived.  All the old faces, and the beautiful fresh ones as well!  For when we gather on the other side, their will be an air of familiarity that will follow after each of us.

Rita was truly the vehicle that started us gathering into this same tent, but by God's grace we have been allowed to know and love one another.  It is said that we are truly precious in His sight, but I guess I  am looking through the eyes of God when I see you all!  You are all precious and dear.l

Who da thunk it!!


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