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T.W. Tramm Post Nisan 1

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Housecleaning … heck I’ve been trying to remove the THICK ice and snow off my vehicle for the past 2 days. Finally the sunshine today is melting it so I can scrape it off. I’m not the only one … my neighbor had the same problem of being stranded and gave up.  I’m waiting one more day though before going out on the roads.  I hope this is the last winter I will ever see …

Posts: 4883
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I’m more of a fan of the Shemitah Cycles


Per Greg Wilson @ 5 Doves

Pondering Shemitah Cycles in the Context of God’s Use of Seventy (70) Year Patterns

Thanks to Lu Vega, I have had some time to consider our Lord’s use of 70-year patterns in prophecy.  It had always seemed to me that God would use a 70-year pattern during the final chapter of man’s rule on Earth.  Lu has pointed out the Shemitah cycle commencing in 1952 represented Israel’s first full Shemitah in the Holy Land.  If the Lord is counting a 70-year pattern from this year, then our Year 2022 represents the completion of the tenth (10th) full Shemitah cycle which will end on the Festival of Trumpets this Fall.

The number 10 represents divine order.  Since Daniel’s prophecy uses Shemitah cycles of years (7 x 70) we must know that this should represent His form of spiritual perfection and order in prophecy.  Jesus also used this figure “seventy times seven” as a measure of divine grace in forgiveness. (Matthew 18:22)

God’s divine pattern, as we find it in Daniel’s 70th week, suggests a possible commencement with the 2022 Memorial Day for blowing trumpets representing trumpets of warning, impending judgment, and the beginning the final seven years.   The fact that this period represents the eleventh (11th) Shemitah cycle speaks volumes in biblical numerics.  Biblically, the number eleven is the number of disorder, disorganization, imperfection, and disintegration.  We know that the seven-year period which completes Daniel’s prophecy will follow this pattern of disorder, imperfection and disintegration as God judges the world for its rejection of Jesus.

Following the completion of Daniel’s 70th week or 11th Shemitah cycle we come to the 12th cycle.  The number 12 represents divine order and government.  How appropriate for the commencement of the Millennial Reign of Christ our Lord and Savior.

Shemitah Cycles Outline with comments:

1938-1945: WWII, Jewish Holocaust, a type of Jacob’s first seven years [Leah] of trouble with Laban. (Genesis 29:25)

1945-1952  U.N. formed, Israel Declaration Independence, U.N. Admission, Law of Return, Blood Moons 1949-1950 Passover and Sukkot

1.   1952-1959 Israel’s first Shemitah since nation formation in 1948

2.   1959-1966

3.   1966-1973  Jerusalem recovered 1967

4.   1973-1980

5.   1980-1987

6.   1987-1994

7.   1994-2001

8.   2001-2008

9.   2008-2015   69 sevens completed

10.  2015-2022   10th cycle=70 years:  Seventy years is the key: Divine order; 70 represents the perfection of spiritual truth and divine order (7 x 10)

a.  Spring 2022 Pentecostal Resurrection/Rapture [the two loaf wave offering] Leviticus 23:17.  One loaf represents resurrection of dead in Christ, other loaf the catching out of the living in Christ.

b.  Divine Covenant confirmed by God in Christ with remnant Israel, those Jews who recognize Jesus/Yeshua as Lord. (Revelation 12:17; 14:12; 20:4-5) (the Fig Tree begins to blossom and bear fruit in this dispensation.

c.   And seventy sevens were determined upon it to complete its transgression, and bring in everlasting righteousness for it, Daniel 9:24

11.   2022-2029   The second time [Rachel] of Jacob’s Trouble (Jeremiah 30:7).  11th cycle= Daniel’s 70th week  Eleven is the number of disorder, disorganization, imperfection, and disintegration.

12.   2029-2036   12th cycle= Divine government and order.  The first Shemitah of Millennial reign of Lord.

- Fair Use -

Posts: 3595
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Joined: 5 years ago

That is certainly intriguing. 2022 could shape up to be a monumental year.

Whatever the case, we are definitely in the season. :good:

Posts: 1336
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Joined: 6 years ago

I'm set in my ways. I really like 7 x 7. :yes: :whistle:  So as not to get caught, I refuse to take debate. B-)

Posts: 3595
Famed Member
Joined: 5 years ago

No worries. It's not an issue that I would divide over. :good:

There are plenty of people that support your position. Probably the majority, as a matter of fact.

Call me a 50er, though. Not a 49er. (Not a football fan, anyway. 😉 )

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