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I just watched this tic tok clip.  Here are pics of the highlights … only Israel has this technology … to make a meal … steak, fish, etc by printing it out from a computer.  You select your choice and it prints out the “hot” meal in … 1 minute.

What are your thoughts on this?  Does this sound gross to you or are you game to try it?  Is this under “inventors of evil things” … did the demons share the knowledge?  Or is this what it’s going to be like in heaven and in the millennium with this computerized technology holding living cells in a computer and it prints out our meals?

Can you see the Gog/Magog armies wanting this technology?










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19 Replies
Patricia N.
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I don't know about this.  It seems like they are playing God, using real cells to make meat.

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Back in 1973 I did research at University. I had my blood drawn, put in a centrifuge, and separated into layers: plasma came to the top, white blood cells were in the middle, and red blood cells settled to the bottom. I drew the white blood cells off from the middle, gave them the proper nutrients, and incubated them at 98.6 degrees. They divided over a period of time producing many cells. I then added a chemical called colchicine to stop white blood cell division at a stage when the chromosomes were short and thick making them easier to observe under a scope. A microscope slide can be made, a camera mounted on the scope, and pics can be taken. The chromosomes then can be easily observed and examined. Google “karyotyping” if interested. All 46 chromosomes can be observed, XX or XY can be located, and any genetic abnormalities observed (Downs Syndrome).

So growing cells in a lab for research is nothing new.

BUT using this process for animal food production is another story and very unappetizing. I also believe the safety and quality of the “food” produced would be suspect. I don’t trust many people in science anymore for obvious reasons. God wants us to grow our food, but I don’t think this is what He has in mind.

Needless to say, experimenting with fertilized human eggs or embryos is downright wrong.


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Let’s face it; things are getting more and more bizarre by the day. This is just one more thing to have to deal with. I pray constantly that we exit, straight up. Living a normal life is getting next to impossible. Reading food labels constantly is tedious. Being a science geek I have an advantage over others as far as labels go. Rule of thumb: if you cannot pronounce it, maybe you shouldn’t be eating it.

One thing for sure, stay away from hydrogenated oils found in margarine,  CoolWhip, and many baked goods. No ifs, ands, or buts, it is bad for everyone. It’s fake fat, clogs arteries, and produces leaky cell membranes. This is substantiated. Totally unsafe

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The idea of the process of creating cultrured meats; chicken, pork, beef:

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Patricia: I don’t know about this.

It still all looks engineered processed and unappetizing to me!

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Nice illustration, Kolleen. Cost is mentioned. Maybe this will keep fake meat out of our food supply for the time being. At least until we have departed. The processed and manipulated food on the shelves already is concerning. “Bioengineered” is on many food labels, not to mention all of the other chemicals added. I try to eat as many whole, natural foods as I can. But eating out is another dilemma. Come Lord Jesus!

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Geri, Just like in Star Trek—Gene Roddenberry (atheist - creator of the “advanced future life”) — not too much of a stretch to think that he was given such “imagination” not by God. I do not account that Israel created this technology, but I do say that it is not necessarily from the Lord.

It makes for an interesting eternity to know how we will eat when we choose to eat.

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Kent — I have done study in the human genome and the incredible uniqueness of our DNA is described in one word GOD. I would agree with you that the manipulation of cells is shaky at best. Science has done some good work in disease (mostly needed because of the breakdown of our DNA due to sin), but with the “good work” also comes the flip side — “we can create a better human” — that is the bad side.

I find the team at Creation Research very in tune to God’s perfect creation and very helpful to understand the wonder of His “spoken” creation.  They produced an amazing short video on the workers of our DNA and it is truly fascinating. I am more than amazed every day at the God we serve. I so can’t wait to be with Him and pray daily, almost hourly at times that today would be the day He calls His children home and out of this evil corrupt world. :prayer-hands:

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As much as I love a great steak — I may have to become a vegetarian and live off my garden if we don’t go home soon. :calvin

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