Springtime rapture?
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Springtime rapture?

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I have been disappointed so many times that i just don't get overly excited anymore.  My dad died last year and i have grandparents on the other side and get giddy thinking i will see them soon.......as in not far off.....but i don't let myself "go there" in my mind as it is a letdown.

I'll tell you what it feels like to me.........remember "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" show?  THe toys on the ilsand of misfit toys thought they had been forgotten again and had to wait until the next Christmas.  That's how i feel EVERY Pentecost, and Fall feasts.

Keep looking up sibs.......


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I know Whit, every day The Call upward is on my mind, yet, everyday passes. Every day I wonder when? I still go about my business in peace, but the longing never subsides.

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I am so looking forward to the rapture! I cannot wait to finally look into His eyes and come undone. My life here is not one to complain about. I have a good life. But this life is absolutely nothing compare to being with Him in His heaven! I was watching one of the episodes in season 3 of The Chosen a few days ago and in this one particular scene Jesus tells the woman who had been bleeding for 12 years to look at Him. When He said that I instantly got a lump in my throat. I cannot wait to look at Him!!

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Early January I was at a loss in what to think since the fall shemitah cycle didn’t materialize in leaving in Sept/Oct.   But after watching a few youtubes about Israel becoming 75 years old … and the parallel of Abraham being 75 when he entered into the Promise Land in 1948 BC … this really stood out to me and gave me new hope.  Plus Mark Blitz claims Abraham did so on Passover season.  And Passover is the only feast that the Jews leave an extra plate/cup out for Elijah to visit and be an honor guest.  So with all these facts … I’m getting excited once more for leaving in April.  Bible says … Elijah will come before the GREAT and Terrible Day of the Lord.  GREAT for us because we are being raptured out but terrible for the left behind.

We got to leave soon … because the you know what is about to hit the fan …. Normal isn’t coming back … but Jesus is. :whistle:

I’m happy that time is still speeding up … today is the last day of January :mail:  what do we have … 2  1/2 months to go? :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

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We can never loose hope!  Whether tomorrow, springtime or fall!  Critical mass seems to be where the world stands now on so many levels!  God created the Garden near 4 rivers.  Two have long disappeared and now the Euphrates is drying up as well!  With under ground caverns being revealed and locals hearing strange sounds from where the Euphrates river once was!  This is where 4 angels will be released to kill one third of the world's population and open the way for "kings from the east" to traverse!  We ever approach the end of the world, and our time upon it!  TR

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Feast of Tabernacles also foreshadows a heavenly wedding and the eighth day which symbolizes eternity!  Of all these feast days only Tabernacles speak of a joyous celebration! Wherein we celebrate a wedding and eternity together!  The Chuppah and presently booths have but one door!  Christ!!!  These were all given that we could better understand God's heart, intentions and perhaps reveals the timing of future events transpiring!  Again all the points of teaching given to and thru the Jewish people incorporate God's dealings first with Israel, then unto the gentiles!  Is this when the rapture will happen???  Could be, or not!  Again, I'm looking forward to an heavenly chuppah, not the timing of events in the book of Revelation and who was right and who was wrong!  That mentality leads to pride!  Focusing on Christ and our chuppah adorns eternity!  TR

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I first became interested in eschatology back in the mid 70's after reading David Wilkerson's book The Vision. Back then we "rapturists" were the odd fringe of the Christian church. Today, YouTube has countless videos on the rapture and the internet has multitudes of eschatologists. This alone tells me we are near the takeoff point. It cannot be long now.

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I saw that episode twice now and both times — I would agree — it just made my heart stop and seriously tear up to just hear the Lord Jesus say, Look at me! He said it to Peter in season 1 “Fisherman, look up”! Come Lord Jesus come for we, your children, long to see you face to face! :prayer-hands:

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One thing is certain, if not today, it will occur — God’s plan is fixed and Jesus promised — so we wait with patience watching and listening for the trumpet….. Even if the grave overtakes you, that is not so bad either as the dead in Christ rise first, so it is a win, win situation. :prayer-hands:

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We know the US does not come to Israel's aid when the Gog-Magog nears initiation. The current movement to disconnect the US dollar as the global oil currency of OPEC. Could this be a financial blow which weakens the USA to where we do not have the resources? Could be this is a trigger event for the Rapture. Near; very near.

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